When he draws back, I'm left disappointed. His voice is rugged, like he's just woken up from the most splendid dream. "I meant it when I said I have not been able to kiss anyone else that isn't you."

I bite my lip as desire vibrates through my body. "Then I should likely tell you that—" My eyes meet his as the moonlight swathes along his face. "There isn't anyone else I'd like to argue with unless it is you."

A slight curl graces his lips. His hand still touches my neck as he lowers his voice into a teasing whisper, "So, Goldie, what do you wish to do before your birthday ends?"

I pretend to mull it over. "To trap a shifter."

"I think I spotted an extremely handsome one roaming around here."

"Really? I didn't know Gus was here."

He frowns, looking far from impressed at my joke. It smoothens out as I laugh and swing my arms around his neck.

"Dragon pig," I whisper, nudging my nose with his.

His chuckle tickles my lips. "Foul mortal."

And then our mouths meet, our tongues entwine, and my whole world wraps around me, seeking comfort and finding it in Darius.

As his fingertips stroke my back, slowly and torturously loosening each lace of my bodice, his touch is like velvet against my flesh. My fingers then finish each of his buttons before resting my palms on the warmth of his chest, probing each coiling muscle of his, the cut and definition.

When my gown pools at my feet, goosebumps scatter along my skin as he pulls back. His eyes defy the amount of lust in them, and I almost cover myself as he stares at me. I'm not used to this side of myself, even if I've done certain acts with him.

I think he can see my sudden apprehension because he hooks his thumb under my chin and raises my head.

"You shouldn't have to cover yourself for me, Goldie. You're perfect."

I exhale a sigh of relief as I lift my hand and trace a couple fingers across his cheekbones, the sharpness of his jaw and the light beard beginning to coat it.

We don't say a word. We just look at each other, never losing eye contact as he lifts me up. My legs wrap around his waist with my breasts flush against his chest, causing an involuntary sigh to loosen out of me.

He walks us forward and splays me onto silken bed sheets. The coolness calms my heated skin but does nothing to how my heart fires up. His arms enclose my body, and I watch him keep his eyes on me as he slowly lifts the palm with my scar to his lips.

"Darius," I gasp as his bottom lip starts tracing from my palm up my arm, making every nerve inside me narrow and on the verge of tipping me over the edge.

"When I met you," he whispers, kissing along the scar. "This was one of the first things I noticed."

"Not my fighting skills?" I can barely tease as he continues sweeping across the sensitive parts. Who knew someone kissing my scar would resort to this amount of pleasure?

And who knew that someone would be the person I once thought I detested with my whole being?

"That too." He laughs, his breath tickling my skin. "But after that night, you plagued my thoughts, my dreams." He lowers his head, and our lips touch as he whispers, "My world."

With that, he ruins me once more with his kiss. If I could bottle it up forever, I would. The way his sensuous lips part mine, how slow and passionate he can be.

Maybe once, I might have thought that kissing Lorcan was like I finally knew what living was. He was special in his own way because he was my first kiss, the first person to look at me, more than just a helpless girl wishing to avenge her father.

With Darius, however, it felt like an end and a beginning.

An obsession.

A craving that could last a lifetime.


"Darius," I breathe, grasping the sides of his face so he looks at me. I realize how determined I am as the following words come out of my mouth, "I know what I want for my birthday."

Chapter Thirty-Three