I nod. I've never forgotten the tale of it that night in the woods, the night—
"That one day, a reincarnation can make it sacred, heal it as some might say."
Upon hearing the second word, my body locks up like chains wrapping around me, pulling me downwards into a lake. "I'm sorry." I shake my head, huffing out a skeptical laugh despite all the abrupt thoughts pouring into me as if hearing that is all it took to connect one clue to the other. "Heal it?"
Dusan nods, telling me something, but it buzzes in my ears. When Darius had Neoma blood in him from all that torture and pain, I'd healed him. Yet I haven't been able to since.
I drag my gaze back to the painting, a frown settling upon my features with every bit of confusion. It's just a coincidence. How would that work? How is it I healed Darius? How is it—
"The Isle of Elements isn't the only place where it's linked to Solaris and Crello, though." Dusan's voice is still a distant echo. "It's a power source for our continent, but what will happen once that power runs out?"
Panic coils in my stomach. I look at Dusan with sheer worry. "It shouldn't run out. It's—"
"Everlasting?" he suggests, his eyebrows going up. "Even the stars run out at one point, Nara."
But that is not possible—
"Ah, Edwyrd," Dusan says over my shoulder as if his words haven't caused such an impact on me. "Have you met the lovely Nara yet?"
I turn to meet a tall elf with light blue eyes enough to make one believe they are glass. His long straight hair shines in a silvery light as he smiles.
"Nara... such a beautiful name," he says, deep and curious, as he grabs my hand, gently pressing a kiss on it. The lace sleeve of my pale green dress narrows to a point by my middle finger, making me hardly feel the touch of his lips.
My smile is reluctant. No curve of my lip tugs up at the sides since all I can think about is the Neoma Tree and the possibility that the Isle of Element's powers could one day cease to exist.
"She is a mortal." Dusan waves his goblet in my direction. "Here to take part in collecting the elemental stones."
Edwyrd's lips tip down at each corner as he nods. "Impressively brave of you to do, Nara."
I don't answer. Instead, I give him a meek smile before Dusan mentions how Edwyrd comes from the Valdern territory. A port city close to Melwraith and just a ship away from the land of Undarion. He shares the same traits as a mountain elf, greyish skin and silver and white hair. A crystallized beauty.
"Are you a ruler of Valdern?" I ask, glancing at his cream and gold-threaded doublet.
"An Elven lord of Valdern," he answers, then glances toward the king. "The only true king in all of Terranos is Dusan himself."
My cheeks flush with slight embarrassment, feeling as if everything I had previously learned from my brothers was not enough for what really was out there.
When Dusan chuckles at Edwyrd, a familiarity of heat and rosewood swifts through me like a current. I look to my left as Darius stops just beside Dusan. He's looking at me as if I am the only one here.
I lift my head, staring at him with a challenging gleam. My heart is thundering and clashing as Dusan introduces Edwyrd to Darius, informing him of what he told me. But Darius does not even look in Edwyrd's direction.
"Nara," Edwyrd says in a cheery tone. I find it difficult to pry my gaze away from Darius's, but I manage. "Would you care to accompany me to fill up your glass?"
I frown, glancing down at the wine, stuttering not to laugh as I go to answer him, but Darius beats me to it.
"It's barely empty," he deadpans, and I look at him in annoyance as he extends his glass out, blocking Edwyrd from my sight. "However, mine is. You are more than welcome to fill it up for me since you are offering."
By the sudden rise of Dusan's brows and Edwyrd clearing his throat, I want nothing more than to scold Darius for his childish behavior.
Edwyrd chooses to ignore him, and finally, Darius lowers his glass. "How about some food? They are serving a delicious lamb pie."
I force down my grimace over lamb pie and smile. "I would love—"
Darius's disdainful chuckle cuts me off, and Edwyrd and I look at him as he shakes his head, fitting a hand into his breeches pockets.
"Is something amusing?" There's a strain in Edwyrd's words and a swirl of aggravation.
"Not at all," Darius says, lifting a finger, pressing his lips together in thought. "It's just from experience she would rather enjoy a sweeter pie than savory."