He chuckles, the tips of our noses touching. "I'll see you in a bit, Goldie."
I don't have the chance to reply as he takes his hand off mine and walks toward the platform. Unable to stop myself from smiling, I head inside my hut, grabbing my sheath and taking out the sun carving I have been carrying since Lorcan gave it to me the day of the trials. I smooth my fingers over it before putting it away and rushing out of the room.
* * *
My knuckles wrap against Reward's door, and he opens it on the second knock.
"Renward!" I say with a surprised smile as his forehead scrunches over my abrupt return. "I believe our conversation from before was cut too short." I peek inside his hut—to where the desk is, only to find the map isn't there anymore. Hiding my frown, my gaze cuts back to Renward. "Do you have a moment to spare?"
He guffaws with a pompous attitude. "You do not need to ask Naralía. As my bride, you hold the same title as I do."
I hold back from cringing at his lie.
A bride whom you will likely try and kill.
He turns to go back inside. My eyes widen, and I shout, "No!" Making him jump as he looks back at me.
My smile stiffens unnaturally. "It's a wonderful morning. Why don't you show me around?"
Renward looks at me as if I require any help. My knotted hair and the crown of flowers falling around my head likely emphasizes it.
He presses his lips into a firm line. "Certainly." He steps out, and his hand touches the small of my back, leading me to a different bridge at the other end of the platform. I look over my shoulder with a sly glance as Renward's voice becomes a distant murmur, and Darius casually straightens from one of the trees near the other huts. He walks towards Renward's place but gets stopped by the same female who'd ogled him at last night's celebration. He wears a tight smile on his lips as he looks down at her, but his eyes quickly shift to mine.
His stare tells me not to worry, but it's not worry I feel. And before I can admit to what it might be, I place a barrier up and look away.
Chapter Fourteen
I have difficulty listening to Renward's words as he shows me the open-air kitchen. Smoke fizzles from logs as woodland Elves place speared animals onto it, and others come through, carrying bowls of fruits.
All I can think is whether Darius has found the map or is still talking to that elf.
Renward turns us around, my arm linking with his as he walks across the bridge. We've barely been out here more than ten minutes. With just a few things to exhibit, he had mentioned most Elves go down into the forests and hunt. I'd gathered where the trap I'd seen the night I got poisoned came from.
"As you can see, Naralía, we don't have much to offer," Renward says as my eyes search for Darius and the elf, but I don't see them. Relief sinks into me before Renward continues, "After the forests were created and the Dark Elves took over Thalorian woods, this is the only place we can call home."
A lie.
You were banished here.
Trying to keep up the role of ignorance, I ask, "Why don't you just try to retrieve those woods back?"
He laughs as if I've asked something absurd. I have, obviously. "We could never go against Thalorians. They are creatures of the night that practice dark magic."
Right, and Aias had said woodland Elves honed little magic.
When we pause outside his door, I purse my lips to the side and turn to him. "About what you mentioned earlier," I say. "What did you mean by the Rivernorth’s?"
He chuckles, waving his hand. "I won't bore you with all those details."
I stop him from entering his hut. "I insist." I truly do. It's what I originally intended to ask, even after I left his place this morning.
From the easy smiles he was giving me earlier, his gaze becomes solemn. He exhales deeply and says, "The Rivernorth’s were powerful shifters, as you know. Nothing could kill them. Their history was derived from the Northern rivers of Emberwell, and according to their stories, they were born from the moon's power in those very same rivers."
They controlled the oceans, the light, and the skies. The shifter from the dungeons had said all the same.
"But despite how Sarilyn managed to kill Aurum, many believe there is another reason she also slaughtered the rest of his bloodline."
My brows furrow up at Renward, and a fraction of his sharp teeth peek through his smile.