He chuckles. "Yes. We can't explain why, but whenever we see it, or someone entices us with it, we need more."

We're silent until I whisper in a bid to change subjects, "Tell me a story."

"What about?"

"Surprise me," I say, slow... sleepy.

He chuckles quietly, grabs a peony from my hair, and begins a story that I instantly smile over. A tale of an adventurous girl brave enough to go against her enemies. His voice soothes me like a melody as he goes on, and eventually, I drift off beside him, too content to think of where we are.

Chapter Twelve

The smell of freshly chopped wood awakens me. I think I'm at home as I stretch out my arms and legs with a wide smile. Prying my eyes open, sunlight glows above me, and as I blink a few times, I come across the straw hatchings, the sounds of woodcutting, and the clicking of tongues from outside.

I turn my head to the side, and it's then that I see no one there except for a note, causing a flood of last night's memories to come back with a surge of power.

I'd invited Darius to lie beside me.

I shoot up from the bed, still wearing my dress, and look around the hut until my gaze snags on Tibith at the foot of my cot.

He tilts his head and smiles. "Hello, Miss Nara, you're finally awake!"

"Where is Darius?" My voice is hoarse and dry from the morning, and disappointment holds me captive for a second. Why had I expected him to still be here? Mulish, I would have likely kicked him out knowing me.

"He left early this morning to find somewhere to write on and has now gone to fetch you some breakfast from one of the Elven people!"

My head darts to the side table again. I pick up the note and flip it open to find a scribbling mess.

Did you know that you snore incredibly loudly? I will make sure to remind you of that, Goldie.

In the meantime, freshen up. I will be back soon.

Yours truly,

The ever-so-dashing thief.

I glare at the note as my lips fight off a smile.

"What does it say, Miss Nara?" Tibith bounces on his toes, and finally, I smile.

I fold the parchment and place it on the nightstand. "It says how he agrees with me on why he is such a pig."

Tibith frowns as if to say that doesn't sound like Darius, but as I slip off the bed, leaves crunch around my waist, and I smile, heading for the door.

"Where are you going, Miss Nara?" Tibith asks from behind.

"To find him," I say, stepping onto the bridge, looking left and right. I don't want to wait until he returns, and I do not even know what I plan to say to him. A thank you always leads to us bickering, and a demand to know why he says he doesn't care about me when he obviously does leads to another disagreement.

But for the first time in a while, I had slept the entire night. Nothing, no night terrors, no memories of the Ardenti, Lorcan, my father—nothing.

I half run, half walk, greeting a few Elves coming out of their huts. I make it onto the platform, turning in a slow circle as the sun beats down on my skin. I'd not asked how certain things worked here, and most likely, I will need to descend more bridges until—

"Naralía," a voice says, and every muscle in me hardens.

Twisting to the sound, I see Renward by his door. Fresh raven paint adorns his glistening skin, and his thin lips oddly purse in thought as he notices the same attire, I had on last night.

"Care to join me?" He turns to the side, motioning his hand to the inside of his hut. "I won't accept a no."

My lips curl into a grimacing smile. I don't think many people dare to say no to him.