Not even in my wildest dreams is the response I would usually say, but a funny tilt in my stomach makes me laugh awkwardly as I say, "I'm sure if he could, he would marry himself." I nibble on the corner of my bottom lip as Tibith tilts his head, urging me to go on. "And besides, why would you want me to marry him? We hardly get on."

Tibith lowers his head, swinging his feet over the stool. "Because then we would finally be a family, Miss Nara!"

An invisible knife shatters through my heart.


A sharp pain shoots behind my eyes, and I blink it away as I rush over to him, not caring if I rip any part of my dress. I drop to my knees and rest my hand on his soft pelage. "What about the shifters back home?"

His eyes are enormous compared to the roundness of his face as he lifts his gaze. "It is not the same, Miss Nara."

I exhale, silently agreeing with him. It took me a while to get used to not having my parents around. It's not the same without them, but I wouldn't trade my brothers for the world.

"Tibith?" I whisper, watching how sorrowful he looks when he's always cheery. "Do you want to know what I do when something saddens me?"

He perks up a little, and I smile. "I carve," I add. "Do you want me to show you?"

Something a lot like excitement flickers in his gaze. He nods, hops off the stool, and treads toward the wooden bedposts. I slowly stand up, looking at my leather glove and dagger on the dresser beside the bed. As I grab the blade, my hand hesitates in picking up the glove too.

I release a long breath before swiping the dagger and not the glove.

* * *

I step onto the platform while Elves parade around, dancing to the sound of others clapping their hands as a form of music. Torchlight lanterns hang above vines, causing shadows and suffusing everything in green light.

Tibith runs off from my side, and I go to chase after him when Renward steps in front of me, grinning. "You fit right in." He glances at me wholly. It doesn't sit right with me, but I still smile at him as he takes my hand. "If I may have your attention," he announces toward the crowd. The music and dancing stop as they all turn their heads to us.

I hardly pay attention to Renward's words once he begins talking as my gaze skips over males, females, and even children before it catches Darius's. His toned chest is bare, with the same black paint Renward has smeared across him. The only piece of clothing covering him is the brown cedar breeches.

My eyes eat it all up until our gaze's clash, and every sound fades. We stare before he lets his eyes linger on my dress with a heated spark.

I'm suddenly aware of my breathing, the soft air intake... the heavy exhale. I scold myself for feeling this way... for feeling vulnerable.

"—I expect you all to treat her with respect."

I break eye contact with Darius, looking up at Renward as he says that. But my body tingles, still imagining Darius staring at me, when Renward erases that thought as he gives me a slow smile, showing how menacing he can look.

"After all," he says. "She is my bride-to-be."

This time, I can't fake a smile as I snatch my hand away, and the celebrations resume. He tells me to enjoy the night, but I don't reply, and with a courteous nod, he heads to his throne of bark.

"You make an awful bride," Darius says, and I look at him just as he approaches me with a coquettish grin.

"You make an awful slave," I retort, my upper lip curling with disdain.

He chuckles, swallowing up the space between us. "Well, for me to be your slave, you have to give me orders."

"Fine." I flash him a tight smile. "Dance with that elf over there."

He looks over his shoulder as my eyes stay on an elf with long hair waves and glowing skin.

"She seems to have her eyes all over you," I say as he faces me again with a superior, arrogant gleam. I try to remain calm and unbothered. "If only she knew how dreadful you are."

His head dips. "I wonder the same thing with Renward choosing you to marry him."

I pout with mockery. "Upset he didn't choose you?"

"Obviously," he murmurs with a smile, but it disappears the longer he looks at me.