A crowd of woodland Elves surrounds a weeping willow tree, whispering to each other as they notice me. I stare back at them, eyeing some with earthly flesh to them and some obsidian hair varying in length.

My eyes soon land on Darius and Tibith on the side. Darius's gaze connects with mine, and relief fills me that I cannot help but start rushing toward them. He immediately does the same but an unpleasant rasping voice startles us halfway.

Everyone goes silent, and I look to my right, where the weeping willow tree stands. Beneath the arching branches, a male elf sits on a throne made of bark.

Renward, I assume.

He rises, donning black painted marks on his lean chest and hollow cheeks. "Bring her forth," he says, and I'm dragged by the arm from the same female I'd awoken to.

I come to a stop in front of Renward. He looks down at me with no expression whatsoever.

"A human," he says, night eyes darting to the other side. "A Tibithian and a dragon together. We haven't seen such a thing in—" He gestures his hand in vague thought. "Ever!"

The crowd laughs at that.

Renward silences them with a raise of his palm. His eyes narrow in on me. "What is your name?"

I take a sharp breath. "Naralía."

"Naralía," he repeats, and his tongue darts out like a reptilian. "Tell me, what is it you seek that you've dared cross borders?"

I glance toward Darius, and his expression is tight as he studies Renward. Returning my gaze, I warily say, "We wish to meet the Elven King."

There is nary a murmur or sound from anyone.

Renward strides closer to me, curious. "What is the reason behind that wish?"

I raise my chin. "It is for something that can hopefully bring peace to all of Zerathion." I refrain from mentioning our intention of gaining access to the Isle of Elements or that we are wanted by the queen in Emberwell.

A snicker falls from Renward's mouth. "And you think the king can help you there?"

Another laugh explodes from the crowd. They must assume it's a stupid reason. "We can only pray that he does," I say, and they quieten. "We've not gone through the forest intending to attack or harm anyone. We just want to survive long enough to meet the king." I lower my head for him to see how serious I am. "If you show us the way to him, we'd be eternally grateful."

"Why do you think we would show you the way?"

"I don't." My answer has him tipping his head to the side. "But I'm putting all my faith into it."

He hums to that, his stare scrutinizing. "I see." Minutes pass by before he says, "Very well, if I am to take you to him, I only have but one condition."

Of course, there is going to be a price to pay. How folly of me to think otherwise. "Name it."

Renward smiles, sharp teeth gleaming. "We are to be wed."

Well, that is unexpected.

I'm sure my surprised look reflects off Renward's blackened eyes.

From the corner of my vision, Darius steps forward. "What—"

"Why?" That is all I ask, cutting Darius's attempt at a protest.

"It is a tradition in our tribe for the leader to find himself a bride. I've searched for months who could fill that position. "A gaunt finger reaches out to touch my hair, and I inwardly shudder when his slippery skin briefly strokes mine. "And now I've just found the perfect one... a human." He throws his head back and laughs. "Oh, I can already envision the looks on the rest of the Elven lords from their territories, but most of all, the king of Terranos himself."

Darius is beside me within seconds, his words fierce as he aims them at Renward. "If you think I'm going to let you—"

"Yes," I say simply, sensing Darius's eyes snap in my direction. "I will marry you." Renward's smile is sly as he takes another step, but I lift my palm to stop him. "But only after you have taken us to the Elven King."

It's a risky deal, but I've been plagued by them all my life.