Tibith pouts and looks at Darius for a response, but he is met with an apologetic smile. "Will I ever come on adventures again, Darry?"
"Of course, you will. You're my partner through everything, remember?"
Tibith nods, his mood seeming to uplift as he slides down from Darius's shoulder. He lifts his head to look at me, blinks twice, then locks his arms around my calf. My heart compresses, never thinking how much I could love this little creature. This orange fluffball whom I'd first attempted to capture that night in the city.
I take a quick breath to compose myself as he parts and walks over to Arlayna. We bid our goodbyes, and Aeron tells us they will wait with weapons ready if anything is to go south. Darius and I set course onto the brittle pathway, noticing the streets are empty except for an Elven male sitting outside his house on a wooden stool. A few pieces of clothes and cloaks are hanging on wooden poles to dry, and I deduce that they must belong to him as the wind picks up, causing the clothing to ripple and sway.
"Wait here," Darius says, and I scowl at him, but he hides me behind a tree before I can object. He starts walking over to the posts, gazing around with a blasé look on his features. Stopping by one of them, he looks at the elf on the stool, which is turned the other way. My face molds into a grimace wanting to tell Darius to stop taking his time, but the elf's head drops as if he has fallen into a deep slumber, allowing Darius to slyly grab some cloaks.
He's smiling as he makes it back to me, and my arms are crossed over my chest as I shake my head at his cocky nature.
"May I ask how this is supposed to make us blend in?" I ask as I eye the raggedy pieces of clothing.
"Funny you should ask." He raises a finger. "When I grabbed the cloaks, there was a wanted poster on the wooden post for a female elf who had stolen from Kirian Tryskalyn."
"Sounds similar."
He chuckles and clicks his tongue. "Regardless... it says to bring her to him in return for an immense reward." He places the cloak around my shoulders, taking his time to tie it around my neck. "I don't know about you, Goldie, but that screams opportunity."
I hum, giving it thought, and conclude that this is insane. "Have you forgotten that I have no features like those of an elf?"
He snaps his fingers, and I feel a coat of magic cover me. "Problem solved."
The problem is not solved. "Just because we can hide the fact, we do not have pointed ears with your powers for a little while does not mean this will work. I stick out, Darius. We both do."
I'd read in books from Dusan's library what Thalorian's looked like. Yes, they were Elves, but they lacked the grace that High Elves have. Their skin is a pale grey, borderline making them look unwell, and they are known for their blood eyes. And though I couldn't see the eyes of the Elven male Darius stole from, he still shared the features I'd read in that book.
Darius sighs. He looks at me like he understands the consequences and says, "We just need to get inside Kirian's castle, that's all. And if anyone notices something is off, then—"
"We break their hands."
His laugh is melodic, but I am most definitely serious. "Yes, we break their hands, Goldie, although I would go for something more damaging."
An amused smile dances on my lips. "Yes," I say and raise my chin. "I imagine so." I don't wait for his usual commentary because I strut past him and gaze at the road ahead as I ready myself to travel toward the center of Thalore.
Chapter Forty-Nine
I pause by the busy crowds of Dark Elves strolling across the cobbled pavements and steep roads leading into different areas of Thalore. There are wooden shops and taverns in every direction I look, while up ahead, rocky paths and foggy roads trail toward the castle. It takes us a significant length of time to arrive at the central part of the city. And though I had expected worse, Thalore looks... normal.
As normal as a corrupted city could be.
My eyes drift to the Elven females walking around in obsidian gowns and fine navy material as their dark locks are styled intricately into crown braids and jeweled headpieces. I realize I'm ogling each of them as some turn their heads. I duck my chin into my chest, and Darius grabs my upper arm, walking us forward.
We careen through the Elves as Darius keeps me by his side, and when I peer up to see where I am going, I spot the castle as we pass an archway.
Sable spires plunge into the sky, disappearing within grey clouds. To each side of me, townhouses with curved windows litter the narrow streets dominating the kind I'd seen in the City of Flames. Darius mumbles something, and before I can look at him, he's rushing me into a hidden corner. His arms rest on my shoulders as he presses me against a wall. He's looking the other way from me, and mild panic tightens inside my gut.
"What is it?" I whisper.
He lets go, jerking his chin for me to look. I twist and sneak a glance past the edge of the wall to where Elves dressed in black armor and two swords sheathed behind their backs patrol the openings to the castle. One of them of muscular build walks up and down, his dark hair half shaved while the other rests below his shoulder blade. I can't make out the symbol of his attire, but he soon stops as another elf wearing tatted clothes limps toward him. The elf in armor pushes him, drawing out his sword before the other elf scampers away.
I grit my teeth, and since he knows my temper too well, Darius grips the sides of my arms, pulling me back against the wall.
"Easy, Goldie." A humored smile pulls at the corner of his lip. "You'll ruin my plan."
"What plan! We are already—"