Page 127 of A Kingdom of Shadows

"Monsters, monsters, monsters—" Tibith rolls into his cocoon, going in circles around my feet.

"Goldie, on your right!" Darius looks over my shoulder before he turns to ignite a flame and incinerates one of the Calps.

I twist as one tries to reach me, and I duck, falling into the mud. My double-ended blade clutters out of my hand, and I reach for Tibith, pulling him into my arms as a low growl comes from overhead. I look up as the Shadow Calp barrels toward the Elven guards, knocking one to the ground. The elf cries out in agony before he is dragged out of the shadow barrier and deeper into the forest.

"Shit," I mutter and look behind, but Darius is no longer there. I panic, looking everywhere as irrational fear pours out of me. All I hear are screams—guttural screams coming from different places. Amidst the shadows, I squint my eyes as it gets harder to see inside this whirling tornado. My blade isn't so far. I can get to it. Glancing down at Tibith, hidden between my left arm, I say, "I'm going to need you to listen to me, alright?"

He nods.

"When I tell you to run, you head straight to that trunk over there and hide, got it?"

He's blinking up at me, but he accepts as another Calp sounds from above, and I urge him to safety. He goes on all his fours, rushing to the trunk as I stumble to get my blade. With the dagger in my hand, I turn onto my back again and raise my forearms as the Calp attacks me. The branch-like fingers try to claw at me, and I find myself staring into a faceless creature. A memory infiltrates my mind. The time I'd faced a rümen in my village. The first time I killed one before leaving for Emberwell. A spiral of shadow appears from the Calp's back, manifesting into a point and aiming it toward my face. I stop this battle with the creature and tune into my surroundings, allowing me to center myself with the earth. Power cuts through my veins, and I can feel it. The energy I am always hiding.

It is so powerful, so strong, it longs to get out. But it can only go so far.

I lower my hands and arms to the side, giving the Calp free access to me. The creature freezes. Growls lessen, and cries subside. I watch as the Calp gets off me and retreats on four legs. It may not have a face, no emotion to show me, but somewhere through all that darkness, I feel them. And as all Calps make a clicking sound, that's when I hear, "Goldie."

I slowly rise, looking across at where Darius is standing. Blood is smeared down his cheek, and he's panting, yet he manages to come over as the vortex of shadows stops. It's now much clearer to see who is safe and who is injured. Ten guards came with us.

There are only five left.

Arlayna is beside Aeron, her gaze as confused as everyone else's. When Darius comes to my side, we look at each other before glancing at the Calps. Counting how many there are is hard, but they all face Darius and me.

The sun blooms again, for she has found her moon.

Leira's words were always true. From the moment I found Darius again that night at the jeweler. And as the same Calp that had just tried to attack me floats toward us both, extending its hand out as if to touch me, it stops halfway, screeches, and vanishes away with the rest of the Calps.

"How did you get them to stop?" Aeron says between pants.

"I didn't." I only had to connect with them.

"It does not matter how she did it." Arlayna huffs, looking at me intensely as if she knows or gathers there is more to it. "What matters is that we get out of here before they return." She starts ahead despite the deceased bodies of the few guards. I swallow as I glance down at one of the Elves. I struggle to move as I stare at the guard's hollow frame. What was once sun-kissed skin is now ashen. His eyes are vacant. You can see his cheeks and how caved in they are, just like the rest of his body.

Darius says my name gently, tugging at my arm to get my attention. As I raise my eyes at him, Tibith climbs onto his shoulder, and I nod, accepting his hand as we walk through the remainder of our journey.

* * *

"This is as far as we go," Aeron says as we near the townhouses on a sloping hill. A ghostly ambiance sifts through the houses and dry-mudded streets. Most homes are broken down and grey in color, like no one seems to take care of where they live.

"Why can we not go with them?" Arlayna asks, and I whirl to face them, as the few remaining guards stare at the borders skeptically.

Aeron runs a hand through his light locks. This whole ordeal must be stressful for him after losing some of his comrades. "You almost died at the hands of Calps; I'd rather not have Kirian Tryskalyn find out the princess of Terranos is prancing through his lands."

"I am more than capable of handling a dark elf, especially one who hides within his own shadows—"


"Don't Princess me, Aeron—"

Darius clears his throat, and it is almost comical how Arlayna and Aeron's heads swing our way. Darius can hardly contain the amusement on his face as he says, "While this bickering truly brings me nostalgia." He presses a palm to his chest and looks at me. I'm tempted to roll my eyes. "I must say I agree with Aeron. We are grateful for your guidance, but this is a task that Nara and I must complete on our own. We can't risk any more casualties. If we are to find anything that is valuable information, we will relay it back to the king."

Arlayna goes quiet, looking off to the far left. Everyone is staring at her, waiting for an eventual protest, but seconds pass, and she sighs with a heavy defeat. "Then I suppose I should wish you both good luck," she mumbles and darts a gaze toward Darius. "And to not fall for whatever schemes Kirian might have. I hear he is cunning."

"As is Darius." I take a step forward and look over my shoulder, unable to conceal my teasing smile. "We will be fine."

Darius grins in return, and I walk up to him, looking at Tibith's curious wide eyes.

"I know you wish to join us," I say, tilting my head as I run my fingers along his fur. "But it is too dangerous."