"A dragon shifter asking a mortal for marriage? History is truly changing."
I'm about to mention that we are supposed to be reincarnations of Solaris and Crello, and that in itself is a historic change for Zerathion. But I turn my attention to her and say something else. "What is it like here?" After hearing how Meriel wants to marry off Arlayna a few times, I imagine she's displeased by it.
A humorous chuckle slips from her. "Marriage for Elves is very political. Not many marry for love as it's considered a weakness. If our hearts are to break, we risk becoming what these Thalorians are." She looks at me. "Heartless."
Such a tragedy for a kingdom that is so beautiful.
"What about your mother?"
"She is quite possibly the only one who married for love. Then there is my uncle, who'd found it with your queen until she cursed him."
I don't reply at the mention of Dusan, and though he is not a turned dark elf, he might as well be one.
"You don't like my uncle much, do you?"
My shoulders stiffen, but I try and keep my expression impartial. "Let's just say I do not have a great reputation with kings and queens. It's Thallan whom I despise."
She laughs. "Yes, I heard about the incident between Darius and him yesterday. Our healers say he will regain sight again. Though I wonder what he'd said to get Darius so riled up."
He insulted me.
He gouged his eyes out as I'd said I would have done myself.
I don't know what I will tell Arlayna. I shouldn't confide in the truth with anyone else, even if I consider her a friend.
When moments pass, and she sees I won't tell her, she asks, "Are you... worried that perhaps someone might use what you and Darius have to their advantage?"
I frown at her, but a strange feeling sticks to my stomach. "I haven't thought about it. Why do you ask?"
She shakes her head like she regrets asking me in the first place. Her eyes focus on Aeron, and she drags in a tense breath before my gaze catches on the satchel hanging off the saddle, shaking as if something is inside it.
"Arlayna." I reach out and place my hand over hers. I jerk my chin toward the satchel, and she looks over her shoulder as I whisper, "Animal?"
She narrows her eyes at it, and we halt our horses, causing everyone in front of us to notice. Darius is the first to dismount from his stallion, stalking straight to where we are.
"What is it?" he asks, followed by Aeron already at Arlayna's side.
I get off, brushing the side of my mare's mane. "Nothing." The rustling inside the satchel catches everyone's attention. "A possible creature has infiltrated our trip."
Darius cocks an eyebrow, moving past me. I turn as he approaches the satchel and flicks the leather open. Everyone is hushed. It's oddly dramatic for one simple creature. Until the rummaging inside stops, and an orange fur-coated head pops up.
"Hello, Darry!" Tibith says, grinning.
Darius stares at him, murmuring with amusement, "You're not where I left you."
"Tibith, what are you doing here?" I say, traumatized after my first task in the Melwraith mountains. "Have you been inside there this whole time?"
"I did not want to stay with Aias, Miss Nara! He never tells me good stories!"
"It's too dangerous for you to come with us," Darius says. "You know that."
Tibith whimpers, his eyes darting back and forth between us. "But-but It never used to be before, Darry!"
Darius glances at me, and we share the same regretful look.
We have been so invested in these tasks that we haven't had the time to see how Tibith is doing. Before, it was just always him and Darius. I never thought to ask if he missed that.
"I can look after him."