Page 107 of A Kingdom of Shadows

She faces the bed; her dress shows her bare back bronzed skin before she huffs and spins around. "You're terrible at hiding emotions."

"What?" I say, even though I know exactly what she is talking about.

Funny, months ago, one would have said I was impeccable at hiding emotions. Lorcan used to think it, as did my brothers.

"You didn't think I wouldn't catch onto your sudden interest in Galgr's, did you?"

No, I knew she would. Her stares proved it so.

I gaze at my boots, clicking the heels together.

Arlayna sighs, her voice softening the minute she walks over to me. "So, what is your plan? Search through every lake or pond, risk your life to relive distant memories, or receive answers?"

My head snaps up to hers. I already know what lake. I just... "I have questions." I draw my bottom lip between my teeth. "Theories that, yes, it sounds stupid to even allow me to think I will get them, but—"

"When do you plan to leave?"

I blink back at her, startled by her nonchalance. "Tonight."

"Then, I will meet you here soon and bring some equipment to help trap one." She strolls to the door. I think I'm still blinking in bafflement.

I'm turning on my feet, my mouth half open, when the other door to my bath chambers creaks open, and Faye casually emerges.

"You may count me in, too," she says, and Arlayna and I glance at one another with a frown.

I point toward the bathroom chambers, looking at a smiling Faye. "How long have you been in there?"

"A while. I was hiding from my darling mother. She's intent on giving me a headache with piano lessons." She waves a mocking hand around. "I thought this room would be the perfect hiding spot."

That does not make the situation any better.

"You're not coming." Arlayna sounds determined.

Faye makes a face, slapping a hand to her chest in mock offense. "Excuse me, but I'm not allowed to travel with you to Thalore. At least let me enjoy the possibility of meeting a Galgr or encountering a Shadow Calp. Uncle says they seem to be getting worse, casting shadows along the mainland."

"You do realize how dangerous they both are if—"

I wave my arms across the air to catch their attention. "I would prefer if you both weren't to come considering there was a death not long ago within castle walls."

Faye chokes out a laugh. "Last Yulemas trolls tried attacking the guards to enter the castle. We aren't new to threats. Besides, out of all of us, Arlayna is the one in most danger of anything, and if anything happens to our uncle, she is the next in line to be queen—"

"Faye," Arlayna scolds her though it comes out in a half whisper like she's suddenly so exposed, scared, miserable.

I feel terrible, which is the worst feeling because no one ever wants to be pitied.

She turns her head my way. "Tonight," she reinforces before grabbing Faye's wrist and yanking her out of my chambers, leaving me no choice but to accept them coming with me.

* * *

Nighttime comes fast. Arlayna and Faye meet me by my door, both clad in pine-colored fighting attire. Arlayna holds up some nets and rope before swinging them over her shoulder. Faye takes us along the castle corridors, careful of any guard spotting us. It seems as if she knows when and where they will be. Once outside, she leads me past an archway bedecked with ivy leaves. It takes minutes for us to walk through bridges and different sectors of the castle until we near the borders.

Stone walls greet us as we stop meters away from it. I glance at Arlayna and then watch her pull on a thick vine.


The three of us freeze.

"Shit," Arlayna mutters under her breath.