"You don't look like an elf," says the one before me. He takes one long sniff and grins. "Human."
The scent Arlayna laced my clothes with must have washed off in the lake.
I take a few steps back, and more trolls approach me, attempting to block me. I don't second guess it. I turn and run further into the forest.
I'm jumping over trunks, and the sound of feet shuffling through the leaves is close. I start looking for berries, beehives, anything to cover my scent when something thwacks the air, and I tumble onto the ground as rope tangles around my ankles. I roll onto my back, glancing down at the bolas and then at the trolls nearing. I can see their vile grins and waste no time trying to free myself. I'm up soon enough, but it's too late, as trolls are meters away from me. I turn to flee in the other direction, but I smack into a large build.
I land on my backside, staring up at the grinning troll.
Shit. I'm surrounded.
"You're a feisty little human," he says.
I kick him in the groin.
He howls, and I sprint, spotting a gap between two trolls. I slip by them as they bump heads, and I start making my way back to Darius, panting as I try to get my legs working. The trolls are in pursuit again, and I'm unsure what prompts me to stop, but I do.
As I glance up at the trees, I notice bats among branches, their beady eyes staring at me.
Peaceful, nocturnal, yet vicious creatures when provoked.
Slowly, I twist on my feet. I can hear my fast-paced breathing. Inhale, exhale.
Grotesque green shapes swarm my vision, closing in before my eyes flutter, and I bring my palms out to the sides, focusing on my senses.
The smell of dew and odorous pinecones.
I'm sorry.
Fresh swaying grass underneath me.
Close your eyes.
Waves of late autumn air brushing my skin and hair.
If this works, then you are not to remember who I am, this moment, or my name. You were playing with your marbles alone. You lost one and will now go look for your mother.
Sounds of the forest coming alive at my fingertips.
Goodbye... Goldie.
There's so much hurt, so much anger and energy in me. I need to release it. My eyes fly open, and the trolls chuckle as they spot me. I glare at them, and soon their faces fall, no longer staring at me, if not at something else.
A swarm of bats springs past me, screeching as they latch onto the skin of the trolls. They shout and swat at them but fail. The world buzzes around me. My chest is like steel, expanding from the heat within my body and shrinking at the cool air. I glance at my palms, squeeze them shut, then look up at the retreating trolls, the bats clawing away at their faces.
I gasp, my body weakening as I turn.
Darius is covered in blood.
Worry takes over me until I realize it's not his blood.
He looks shocked, in awe, mesmerized. He witnessed everything.
Before he can speak, I'm already saying, "I want you to shift."