Looking at the coin, I run my fingers over the dragon crest. "Why are you giving this to me?" I ask, turning to face him.
Like the crescent I used to carry, Darius always had a coin in his hand whenever I saw him.
This feels like I'm taking something precious that's his.
"It's your birthday gift."
One brow jumps. "And last night was not?"
He steps toward me, his gaze raking over my naked body and darkening to resemble an eternal night. My breath turns ragged, and I try not to look down at the arousal settling between his legs and mine. "You've lived on this earth twenty–two years, Goldie. Expect more gifts for all the birthdays I've missed."
I barely manage to swallow. My hand grips the coin tighter, certain that if he's to come any closer than we already are, all my willpower will crumble, leaving it to look like soot after a fire.
"Hello, Miss Nara!"
My eyes widen.
Looking down to my left, Tibith waves at us. I scream and rush to the bed, yanking off the bedsheets to cover myself. I'm horrified, panting as Tibith beams as if seeing me naked is nothing. On the other hand, Darius looks too calm, baring his entirety to Tibith as he spreads his arms to the side and grins.
"Tibith!" He cheers. "Enjoy the festivities last night?"
"I did, Darry!" Tibith lets out an excitable squeal as Darius pets him. "Miss Faye danced with me before Miss Arlayna took me around the mazes and argued with a very tall man, then kissed and slapped him," he describes animatedly. "Like you and Miss Nara do!"
My frown takes on a speculative turn. I have my suspicions on who that could have been. "Did that man happen to be wearing the Terranos armor?"
Tibith whirls to me and nods.
I conclude it is definitely Aeron.
"Should I be aware of something?" Darius questions, eyeing us both with furrowing brows.
I fire him a lopsided smirk. "I believe it is none of our concerns." I don't want to imagine the trouble Aeron could get into if anyone else found out.
"You're right." Darius starts toward me. It's highly inappropriate for him to look this sensual with no clothing while Tibith is in the room. "My concerns only lie with Tibith—" He points a finger at me "—And you."
Months ago, I'd not dared believe this would be the case in his eyes.
His hand rests by my waist as I pinch the bedsheet behind me, and he hooks a finger through the necklace he made.
I draw an eyebrow up. "And here I thought your first concern would be how you look in the morning."
"Devilishly handsome?" His debonair smile works wonders at proving how right he is.
Giving into that, though, is not on my list.
I tilt my head, and an amused sound rumbles from my chest as I smile. "No, an absolute mess."
His gold eyes light up in his usual mischievous ways.
My response didn't offend him in the slightest.
As always, he already knows it's a lie.
Dragon pig.
"What do I look like in the morning?" Tibith asks innocently as he appears beside us.