"Somewhere... anywhere that I can escape my mother's grueling activities to find a husband."

A grimace pulls at my features. I may not have lived a royal life, but the thought of having to find a husband makes me glad I never grew up that way.

She gestures a thumb over her shoulder. "Would you like to come?"

I blink, not necessarily expecting her to invite me, but it is an option I don't want to turn down, not to a princess and not when I long to get out for a bit.

Lowering the bucket of carrots to the ground, I place my hands on my hips and nod, already knowing which horse I will pick for our outing.

* * *

For half of the evening, Arlayna takes me through the outskirts of Olcar, showing me the beautiful landmarks and nature of Terranos. Despite the fact that we have a handful of sentries traveling meters behind us. I don't mind it as much as Arlayna, but this is a common occurrence every time she goes out.

I watch as she points with her gloved finger to the left of us, where the sunset cloaks over hills and valleys. Smoke clouds the skies through chimneys far ahead within villages, and I tilt my head to smile at the lingering scent of damp leaves from the rain this morning.

"Across those rivers right there." She points ahead. "You will see the remains of ancient ruins from the elders that fought battles beyond the historical timeline."

I nod mindlessly.

"You seem pensive," Arlayna says, noticing I haven't paid attention to her stories about Olcar. "Have I bored you?"

I shake my head. "Not at all. Though I wonder if the need for guards chaperoning us annoys you."

Something slips in her regal expression for a moment, and she sighs, looking away. "It always annoys me. But when you are royalty, little freedom do you have."

I hum, staring back at the guards. I'm frowning in thought when my gaze cuts to Arlayna. "Have you ever thought about sneaking away from them?"

Shock flares across her face before it falls into an amused smile. "You're trouble, aren't you?"

"Me? Trouble? Never." If Idris were here, he would crack a smile on that grumpy face of his.

Arlayna laughs, shaking her head at me. But then she looks towards the people who are always there to watch her every movement, protect her from any danger, and keep her freedom away from her. She nudges the horse with her heel and cries out for it to gain speed. The guards behind all look our way as I follow after Arlayna. I can hear them shouting for us to slow down, but I know Arlayna won't.

The wind steams past us as I grin, jumping over puddles. My mare gains speed to match Arlayna's horse, and we break out into painful laughs, clutching our stomachs as we stop by a hill overlooking the Elven lands on the east.

"Usually, this would be Faye's idea," Arlayna says as soon as we have calmed down. "She has snuck out of the castle too many times."

I can imagine. "Are you two... close?"

Trees shield us from the sunset blooming across fields. A bold blaze of Solaris's farewell.

"Not like we once used to be," Arlayna says, looking at her lap, and my gaze falls along with hers.

I had wanted to speak to Faye since I saw her and Darius, but her mother soon sent her off to visit family members in Valdern alongside Aeron as her guard. It is as if fate had done it on purpose or by way of Solaris and Crello messing with me for entertainment.

I ask Arlayna, "Is it because of your duties as a princess?"

She shakes her head slowly and thoughtfully. "Faye never wanted to be part of anything royal from a young age. She would hide, spend time in the town with seamstresses or drag me out into the forests to dance with butterflies." She fights off a smile, squashing it by clearing her throat. "But since I was the eldest, I had to obey, and then we simply drifted one day, and I cannot recall the true reasoning."

"Why don't you try to fix it?"

She chuckles as if I don't understand. Perhaps I do not when it comes to their relationship, but would it be fair not to at least question it? "You sound exactly like Aeron," she says, looking at me and the emerald gem of her diadem glistens compared to her riding attire.

I wonder about something. "Why did you not go with them to Valdern?"

Arlayna looks startled for a split second before facing the fields. "I only ever go there if I am needed." A sigh escapes from her lips. "Whereas mother sends Faye to learn how to be a royal."

Unable to contain it, my eyes widen, and I let out a small chuckle.