Chapter Twenty-One
I stand at a safe distance from where Darius lands on the green fields and assumes his human form. Faye claps and cheers loudly as Arlayna tries to tame her from the side.
When Darius sees me approaching him. Our eyes meet, and an intense hold of gold amber shimmers that have my airways constricting. He's matching me stride for stride, and we close in on each other with every step.
"How did that feel?" I ask, smiling after witnessing his ability to fly again. He deserves this after suffering years with the memory of the general killing his mother and venators tearing his wing.
His grin is effortless, a spark of life in his eyes as he looks up at the sky, contrasting to the saddened expression I had witnessed in that music chamber. "After your pep talk? Outstanding, I would say." He expels a breath, relief, and triumph in one. Glancing back down at me, his brow lifts. "Would you like a ride?"
"Me? A ride?" I snort, crossing my arms over my chest and slipping him a teasing smile. "So, you can drop me? I'd rather not."
"I'd love to be dropped," Faye says whimsically. "Imagine the thrill of falling through the air right before you're caught again."
"That is if you're caught," Arlayna retorts, and I don't have to look their way to know Faye is rolling her eyes at her sister.
Darius chuckles, shaking his head, and I watch as his inky hair sweeps across his forehead in tune with the motion. "I wouldn't let you just fall to your death, Goldie." His stare is unshakeable, dripping with mirth. "I promised your brother I'd keep you safe, remember?"
He takes another step toward me; the corner of his mouth turns up. "So, what do you say? Care to let me take you on an adventure?"
Giddiness has my lips part into a smile. He had me at the word adventure. I lean into him, pressing my palms to his chest. "We already are on one."
A wave of his scent, so familiar and homely, has me close my eyes before I retreat and wet my lips, gesturing my hand out. "What are you waiting for?"
He tips his head back, chuckling when Tibith whines, waddling toward us as he looks up at Darius with large solemn eyes. "Don't worry, Tibith," he says, lowering himself to stroke the back of Tibith's head. "I'll come to get you after. You know how it is. Ladies first."
"We will let you both be," Arlayna says as my gaze shifts to her and the rest. Darius and I had been in our own little world for a minute; we'd not realized they were still there.
Arlayna grabs Faye by the arms, then looks over at Aias, whose timid eyes are on us all. "Aias? Care to accompany me inside? I heard my uncle was hoping to converse with you."
Aias's head shoots up hesitantly before he nods, and they all start retreating. I watch them for a few seconds, a silent charge passing through Darius and me, and then I turn to him.
The silence grows stronger, more fervent.
He takes a deep breath, rolling his shoulders, and soon disappears between shadows and silver flecks. Wind sweeps my hair back as he reveals himself as the powerful dragon he is.
I inhale, staring at his large stature—a beautiful creature. He turns his head to me, lowering it as the sun catches sight of his horns. Gold eyes are on me. Even in his dragon form, the softening expression travels to my core, strengthening a trust... a bond deeper than any other.
He lowers himself onto his hind legs, allowing me to climb up the side of him.
Nervous, I reach out to touch his leathery skin. A small sound climbs up my throat as I breathe. It's almost a whimper as I remember the Ardenti fledgling.
I close my eyes, chest heavy and my heart swelling before I jump, swinging one leg around him. Placing my palms on each side of his neck, his body rumbles to the low sound emitting from him. He rises, looking over at me once more. I nod, eyes locking, and then I squeal as he leaps forward, gaining momentum before we're up in the air.
I'm squeezing my eyes shut, my stomach dipping the higher Darius flies upward. I clutch onto him harder, the heel of my boots tensing against his body as I do everything to hold on, breathe, and focus. The errant breeze pulls and threads through the strands of my hair. And slowly, lessening my grip, I count to three and blink.
A flash of white and then crystal-clear skies bloom in my sight. I'm looking around at the flap of Darius's wings—his healed one so full and shimmering against the waves of sunlight.
A half chuckle escapes me. I'm shocked, in awe, too stunned at the views of it all.
I'm flying.
I throw my arms out to the sides, wide and free, as I tip my head back. The sensation is like nothing I've felt before. It's as if I am the wind that carries freedom. I'm inevitable, a rush of life I never want to let go of.
We go through clouds, and I look below me at the city, rivers, hills, and mountains. It's surreal, beautiful, like a painting of earthly colors: greens, blues, mahogany, and greys. And when Darius skims past clouds, I stick my hand out again as if I'll be able to feel them through my fingertips.
A surge of happiness forms in my chest, slowly growing and growing. Here, I realize that above the trees and the land itself, something that seems so grand to us can also look vulnerable up in the air.