Everyone is quiet. I can sense Arlayna's eyes are on me as I pray for Dusan to heed my urgency, and a suffering minute lingers between us.

"There are four elemental stones that, once joined, open up a portal to the Isle of Elements," he says, and I'm suddenly filled with hope. "You already have one around your neck."

I touch my skin, looking down at the emerald stone.

Relief blooms in my chest that Renward was foolish enough to gift it to me.

"The others are hidden in Melwraith, upon the mountains." Dusan's lips purse as he looks at the rings of his fingers. "Another protected by trolls and finally one in Thalore."

The Dark Elves.

My stomach hollows.

"You need all four to open the portal, and if the Isle of Elements is what you seek, then you will have no problem retrieving these stones." His eyes cut to mine, assessing my reactions though I do not give him one.

We've come this far, to not back down now.

I look up at Darius. His eyes don't need to tell me if I shouldn't or not. He knows my thoughts on this matter.

"How long do we have to retrieve those stones?" he asks, stepping away from me and turning toward Dusan.

"As long as you like." Dusan smiles for the first time since meeting him. "You can reside here in the meantime."

Darius and I give each other another look, and I nod at Dusan.

He clasps his hands together, motioning his head to a lady in a green kirtle dress. "Golrai, you may direct them to the spare rooms of the castle."

She comes forward, bowing her head. Dusan now turns his attention to us. A slow smile paves his lips as he says, "Welcome to Olcar, the High-Elven city of Terranos. I expect you to succeed."

* * *

Golrai shows Tibith and Aias a room to share in another section of the castle. I zone her out for most of the places we are shown, imagining that Sarilyn was once here, in Terranos, just like us before... before everything.

We stop as Golrai leaves us by two bedroom doors opposite the hallway. I fiddle with my fingernails, looking over my shoulder at Darius.

He's quiet. I'm quiet. It's intimidating.

We went from the forests to this.

Something new again.

"Nara," he says, not Goldie and not an insult in sight as our eyes catch for a stilling second. "You should know that you were never an asset to me."

I inhale deeply at his relief mingling with that confession. "I know," I say before entering my bedroom quarters.

Chapter Seventeen

I'm sitting by the squab cushion window sill, overlooking the silvery night in Olcar. No matter the glamour of my chambers—ivory drapes, green silk curtains, covers, and wooden bedposts—I know I won't sleep tonight. Not like how I'd done when Darius was with me in that hut.

Memories of the Ardenti from Emberwell still plague my mind, and though I should tell Darius of it, I also can't. I don't know how to say it.

The shame and guilt eat at me alive.

Golrai enters, her white hair spun in a bun and an apron over her moss-plain servant dress. "The King requests your presence for supper," she says, walking over to the foot of the bed and neatly placing a gown on top. "Would you like me to save a seat for you?"

"Yes," I answer, jumping off the ledge not so graciously. "I will be there soon, thank you."

She bows her head and departs, leaving me to stare at what she has laid out. I tread over to it, touching the chiffon emerald dress. Scrunching it between my hands, I glance at the door leading to the bathroom chambers and sigh, feeling overwhelmed once I change into the dress. It fits me just right with a lace bodice that cuts into a square line around my neck and flaring sleeves.