Jack might have gotten his looks and acting talent from his mum, but his personality was all Gerald Grant. The kind of man he most wanted to be when he grew up. Someone helpful and kind who made others feel important. “Don’t believe a word Todd tells you.”
Violet took her phone out of her back pocket and raised her eyebrows. “I think you’re in trouble,” she said in a sing-song voice as she answered a call. “Hi, Shay.”
“How did she get your number?”
“We text,” she said, her hand over the phone. Oh, right. He’d forgotten about the fashion thing.
“No, he hasn’t fallen off the face of the earth. Want to talk to him?” Violet glanced back and tapped the phone. “You’re on speaker.”
Jack gave her a quick kiss as he took the phone from her and braced himself for the onslaught of Shay. “What have I done wrong now, Miss Brown?”
“Hello, darling. Nothing wrong, you’re an angel,” she said in one fell-swoop. “In fact, you’re such an angel, I have a surprise for you.”
“You got me more money?”
“Even better. Wayridge has officially forgiven you, and they’d like you at the Heart and Roses Film Festival.”
“No,” Violet said, putting her hand over her mouth. “Everyone on the network will be there.”
Holy shit, they’d done it. The film festival was a fan event, but only the top Wayridge stars were invited. They’d stroll the red carpet and discuss upcoming projects. Then, media and fans would screen the newest upcoming fall lineup and learn about the main Christmas movie.
“I told them you’d go,” Shay said.
“Shay,” Jack warned. He detested these things. The pressure to be as dashing as Lord Eagleton was immense, and he hated running into his network arch-nemesis, Jason. He’d hit on Jack’s last three dates to the festival, trying to get a rise out of him. “You know I’m bad at these things.”
“Of course you’re not. You’re deliciously charming,” she said. “You just don’t want to go.”
“I’m enjoying life right now.” He winked at Violet.
“Let me rephrase. You have to go,” a steely tone in Shay’s voice shot through the speaker.
“Oh, pleasepleasepleaseplease,” Violet begged. She pouted that plush, biteable lower lip at him, and he kissed her briefly, unable to help himself.
“Listen to your brilliant and gorgeous girlfriend,” Shay said. “A huge fan response could mean big things at the network. The last Plant Parent video was recently featured on a news syndicate, so everyone and their grandmother have seen it. The internet has officially forgiven you thanks to the girlfriend wanting to accompany you.”
“You’d be okay walking the red carpet with me?” he asked Violet. He didn’t want her crying again on his account. She’d paid her dues as his fake girlfriend, and he wanted every moment of their four-week relationship to be marvelous.
The color drained from her face. “I thought I’d be with the fans. No one wants to see me on a red carpet.”
“Violet, what the fuck did I tell you?” Shay demanded.
Violet jumped and blinked quickly. Damn, there were those tears again. He considered hurling the phone across the garden and tugging Violet back to their bedroom to keep her safe.
Her eyes caught his with an unsure glance. “The world deserves every inch of me?”
“And that world includes Canada,” Shay said with finality.
“You want to do it?” he asked Violet. He’d do anything for her. Anything to see the light sparkle in her eyes again. Anything for his girlfriend. The word turned round and round in his head, like a carousel fueled with joy.
A spark of confidence lit in Violet’s eyes, and she clutched her hands together. “I want to do it.”
Fuck yes. He was so bloody proud of his girl. His eyes held hers as he spoke into the phone with a broad smile. “Consider us booked, Shay.”
“Hell yea. Vi, the event’s only a few days away, so I’ll have a selection of dresses prepared and waiting in your suite, and then you can choose one. Sound good?”
She twisted her hand in her shirt. “Um, sure.”
“Excellent. Jack, you know the drill. I’ll have someone swing by your place and grab your tux.”