Page 88 of Wallflower in Bloom

But as they’d fixed breakfast, him handing her a spatula, her giving him coffee, she realized they’d fallen into a rhythm she’d desperately miss.

Something that felt like more than fake dates and no strings.

He was no longer Jack Grant, the heartthrob of an English countryside soapy romance. Instead, he was Jack Grant, the sexy man who muttered to himself while he did dishes, who was surprisingly commanding in the bedroom and had a deliciously naughty side he didn’t trust to show anyone else but her.

After their greenhouse sex last night, he’d walked her to her bedroom. They’d spent ten minutes just kissing before saying goodnight. She’d desperately wanted to sleep next to him. To cuddle up and block out the lonely world.

He’d even started to tell her something before thinking better of it and saying they’d talk later.

Probably for the best because she’d been practically dead on her feet after her first day back and being thoroughly taken in her greenhouse.

She found her hand interlaced with his as he talked to Lily about something in the store and asked a question about the video.

“You did so great, Vi.” Lily beamed at her.

And her heart melted into mush. “It felt great,” she admitted.

“I’ll be sorry to go back to my real job after this.” Jack squeezed her hand. “It’s far more fun to stare at your pretty face than charge across a misty field at 4 am.”

“Wouldn’t it be funny if Wayridge had a show like this?” Violet mused. “I could help so many people.”

Lily clapped her hands. “Ohmygosh. Beyond the Plant Parent’s Walls.” She and Violet giggled at the ridiculous pairing of historical costumes and houseplants.

Someone walked to the register, and Lily went to help them. “Gotta go make some bank.”

Jack turned to Violet, his brows drawn together in a nervous expression. “I know you need to get back to the greenhouse, but could we take a walk outside? I wanted to…talk.”

Her stomach dropped. In her limited experience, ‘talking’ usually spelled disaster.

But he’d been so kind and sweet today. Maybe it was about last night?

“Uh, sure. Let me get my stuff.”

Suddenly Jack pulled out his phone with a surprised look and answered. “Hi, Dad.”

Violet loved that he and his father had a great relationship.

It still hurt to think about the loss of her dad. She’d tried to take care of him but failed. He’d had a heart attack when he was sleeping, but maybe if she’d tried harder, fixed him more vegetables, maybe something would have changed.

She’d cried buckets when he passed and worked through most of her big feelings when Rose and Lily lived with her. It had since settled into an ache she wasn’t sure would go away.

Maybe she even hoped it wouldn’t go away because then she’d never forget him.

“You’re here?” Jack said, turning to Violet with panicked eyes as he tried to piece together what was happening. “In the States? In Fairwick Falls?”

Violet gasped. “He’s here?” she whispered.

“Five minutes away from the square in Fairwick Falls. What a pleasant surprise,” Jack said slowly as he mouthed ‘what the fuck’ to her.

Violet started to panic. Jack’s father was here; what did that mean? Would he stay with them? Would he figure out they weren’t really dating?

“Yes, of course. It’s the black front building with the flowers in front. I’ll meet you outside.” He hung up. “I am so sorry.” He ran his hands over his face and up through his hair.

Violet’s hands framed his cheeks. “It’s totally fine. We’ll figure this out, okay? He doesn’t have to know.”

“It’s just that it meant a lot to him that I was dating someone, and happy and…thank you for grounding me.” Jack kissed the inside of her wrist.

A zing of desire curled up her arm from that kiss. “He should stay with us,” she offered. Ease his worries, be helpful, and maybe he’ll want you as much as you want him.