Page 63 of Wallflower in Bloom

He found it difficult to concentrate on the leaves at hand. He licked his lips, pushing indecent thoughts out of his head.

“Oof, let’s go outside. It’s too stuffy in here.” She grabbed tools from the box in the back of her greenhouse, including a knee pad and some work gloves. She started weeding the rows of philodendrons and fiddle leaf fig trees she’d planted in the half-acre between her pond and greenhouse.

“Did you ever find those glasses?” he asked, thinking back to the night he first really saw her.

“They’re lost to the pond forever. My old pair is super scratched, and I keep meaning to order replacements, but I’ve been so busy.”

“You don’t like contacts?” He pulled weeds out of the rows of dirt.

“My face feels so naked without glasses. I like being able to hide these cheeks.” She pointed to the two crab apple-sized circles that had been regularly tinged with pink blushes the last few weeks.

He’d dreamt of what kissing her on each one would feel like.

Lick them, bite them, anything. It’s like she was taunting him.

“Your cheeks are perfection.”

Violet wrestled with the weeds in front of her. “This plant would be perfection if it wasn’t trying to be choked right now.” She tugged hard with both hands, and a large root finally emerged, throwing dirt over her.

Dirt clods landed in her cleavage and all down her overalls. “Oh, shoot. I’m such a klutz.” She took off her gloves and unhooked her overall front to dump out the dirt.

“Let me get you a rag.” He stood up to go to the greenhouse, but then she did the damnedest thing: she reached inside her considerable cleavage to clear out the dirt.

Maybe he’d fantasized about her for too long. Maybe he needed to get laid.

But as he walked away, he couldn’t take his eyes off her manhandling her tits.

He imagined what it would be like if he was the one reaching in to help. What her breasts would feel like as they overflowed out of his hands. The sweet fullness he’d kill to feel on his face, on his cock. Anywhere she’d let him touch her.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her as he walked across the yard.

Suddenly, a sharp pain blasted through his head, and he went flying down to the ground. Had a rogue cricket bat clobbered him out of the blue? As everything went dark, he registered the tree limb above his face in a blur.

He woke up a few seconds later with Violet hunched over him, her overalls unhooked and draped down her front.

She looked so pretty over him, but her face was full of worry. “Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?”

“I, um.” He had difficulty looking away from her enormous, delectable tits over his face.

He’d knocked himself out cold, walking into a goddamn tree, admiring them. “I think I need to go to the, um….” He grasped for the name. “The place; the place with the people in the coats.”

“The what?” Violet gently put her hand on his head.

“Ow!” He sucked in a breath at the sting. “The place with the people. With the things around their necks.” He mimed the thing that was just out of his reach. What was it called? Where they helped you get better?

“Oh my gosh. Of course, you need to go to the ER. Here, can you stand?”

“Yes, I’m not an invalid,” he said, pushing himself up too quickly and then thinking better of it as the ground shifted under him.

He grasped onto her and hoped his hands had landed in the appropriate places. His other hand found the tree branch above him, which hung precariously low. “It’s all your fault,” he grumbled.

“Who, me?” she asked, putting her arm around him as they walked to her truck.

He clutched his pounding head. “No, that bloody apple tree.”

