The moment in Bloom had been so intense, and he’d been so kind. It was hard for her brain to process being so hot and heavy in front of others and then remember that they weren’t really together later.
But here they were in front of a large crowd, being couple-y again. Rose insisted Violet come in her trendiest summer outfit so they could take more fake dating photos for all of their social accounts, and Jack’s hands had lingered on her bare shoulders in the best way all evening.
People meandered on the deck overlooking Gray’s farm, carrying plates of coleslaw and hot dogs.
Violet did what she normally did at parties and busied herself. She cleaned up plates and put covers over casseroles so the bugs wouldn’t get into them. It was easier if she cared for everyone else; she was out of the spotlight but wasn’t left out.
“My girlfriend has abandoned me for potato salad droppings.” Jack put his hand on the lower part of her back.
Shay had convinced her to try a flirty off-the-shoulder cropped top and high-waisted linen pants that flowed like water over her legs. Violet loved how they curved around her hips and gave her legs plenty of room. The warmth of his large hand felt delicious against her skin, and she was grateful she’d been brave enough to try the crop top.
“Come on; I insist you not play hostess when it’s not your house.” He tugged her hand toward the outdoor table that had been beautifully decorated.
“But I was helping.” Her eyes still lingered on an uncovered plate of cake she’d brought.
He squeezed her hand with a warm smile. “You’re allowed to enjoy yourself, my darling. Plus, it’s time for our photo shoot. Meant to tell you Shay is over the fucking moon with all the press coverage. You are her new favorite human.”
“More than you?”
“Definitely more than me.” He laughed, eyes bright. “It’s you, Dolly Parton, every single Spice Girl, then me.”
“All right, plant parents. Showtime!” Lily balanced a large glass of white wine in one hand and her phone in the other.
“Oh, I should go check my makeup.” Violet stood up, but Jack gripped her hand.
“Nonsense.” He tugged her down to sit.
“But my lipstick’s fallen off from eating.”
“Where we’re going, we don’t need lipstick.” He winked at her and bent to give her a chaste kiss. “You ready, Lily?”
Lily started setting up her shot.
They decided to forego Gray’s fancy camera for a more low-key, casual photo. Just a normal couple caught by their friends in a private moment.
Violet stretched her arms as they waited for Lily to set up the shot in front of them.
“Sore?” Jack asked. He’d spent most of the day inside, working on an audition for a new show.
Violet rolled her neck. “Yeah, I got up super early to make up for all the lost time in the greenhouse.”
“You can’t make the plants grow faster.” His hand traced a lazy circle on her back, and it started a throbbing somewhere deep inside her.
She was having a hard time concentrating. “N-no, I can’t,” she stuttered. “But we have a lot of online orders to process.”
“Why don’t I help you tomorrow?” Jack offered.
“Oh, you couldn’t do that.” She shoved her hair.
“All right, look at me.” Lily took a photo, looking at the light. “Oh, shoot. Hold on.” She went back to rearranging the table in front of them. He extended his arm behind Violet’s chair. The warmth of his skin emanated against her back.
His fingers playfully pushed the hair out of her eyes, his thumb lingering on her cheek. “I helped my dad every summer growing up. He had impossibly high standards in his vegetable garden. His courgettes, er, zucchinis you’d call them here, have placed first at the county fair for the last twenty years.”
“No way.” Violet’s laugh bubbled out of her.
He threw a hand over his heart. “I wouldn’t lie about something as serious as the Devon County Fair. Has a whole wall of ribbons. He’s quite proud.”
“I cannot handle the adorableness.” She giggled with him, imagining an older version of Jack holding up a prized zucchini.