As they said their goodbyes, Jack rubbed a hand over his face. He felt torn between what each parent wanted. In some ways, he wanted both things: a career to be proud of and a quiet family life. He just needed to figure out a way to have both so that Shay wouldn’t have a heart attack.
It was an impossibly tall order.
He turned the kitchen corner to find a darling little succulent-themed lunch box sitting on the table as if it had somewhere to go.
“Hold on, what’s this?” He peered inside. Two matching plant-themed containers held her leftovers, with a round little clementine beside them.
How was this woman so fucking adorable?
Something so sweet hit his heart, thinking of her packing her lunch so carefully in matching containers and then going off and forgetting it.
She’d gotten her little claws into him, and he could hardly think of anything else. Of what their idyllic life would be like if he just…stayed. If he ran away from his life and hid out in Fairwick Falls, where they’d read Hoover manuals and develop lovely tummies as they devoured every type of muffin.
He changed into running shoes and grabbed his keys. She’d helped him so much; it was the least he could do to take this to her. He’d walk to Bloom and then squeeze in a run around town.
Jack glanced to see if Todd was done yet and found him lounging in a spot of sunshine.
“Don’t get too used to it, old man.”
Todd looked over his shoulder as if to say, I do as I bloody well like. She has excellent sunshine spots and a lap that’s pleasant to sit on.
Maybe Todd was right. The reality of leaving in over a month was pushed out of his mind as he decided to enjoy his own piece of heaven right here.
An odd feeling overcame him as he grabbed the lunch box. To know he felt more at home in somebody else’s house than his own.
As if her soul had a matching lock to his key.
Familiar voices raged at each other as Jack stepped into Bloom.
“Vi, if you don’t get it this time, I’m gonna sacrifice your houseplants to the social media gods,” Lily fumed.
“But I’m so bad at this. Why can’t you do it?” Violet yelled back. They stood nose to nose in front of the floral wall with Bloom’s neon sign. It was a two-story wall, interwoven with jungle ferns and vibrant flowers that set a trendy and modern tone for the entire store.
“If you’re going to kill my girlfriend’s houseplants, you’ll have to go through me first.” He cracked a smile.
Lily and Violet turned around to stare at him. No other customers were in the store.
“Oh, you don’t have to pretend, Jack. It’s just us in here.” Violet’s eyes lit up as she spotted her lunchbox. “You brought my lunch!”
“It’s better for me to stay in character. I am a method actor, after all.” He leaned down, kissing her on the cheek and handing her the lunchbox. Right, that’s the reason you can’t stop touching her, you big liar. “Thanks for the muffin this morning.”
Lily burst out laughing, and they turned to look at her. “I’m so sorry,” she said through giggles. “It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten laid, and I can’t keep my head out of the gutter.”
“Not that kind of—oh, my gosh,” Violet smacked her hand on her forehead.
Jack winked at Violet, causing her pretty blush to appear again. “Didn’t want you starving after abandoning yet another meal. And why does Lily want to kill my darling girlfriend’s most prized possessions?”
“I’m terrible on camera.” Violet chewed her lip with nerves.
“Camera?” he said with a happy smile.
“Oh!” Lily clapped her hands. “Maybe Jack can do it.”