Page 45 of Wallflower in Bloom

“A blowout would look better for photos.” Violet shrugged.

“I like you the way you are. It’s bright and wild, like you,” he said, winking at her.

Violet’s stomach jumped, and she had to remember this was all an act. He was performing for Shay.

A sudden rap sounded on the door, and Gray let himself inside. “Somebody told me there’s a new model who needs some photos?” he joked as he walked in. His eyes registered her. “Holy shit, Vi.”

“Careful, Roberts,” Jack said, punching him on the shoulder as he walked to the stairs. “She’s mine.”




Violet stood awkwardly in her greenhouse, waiting for Jack to finish getting ready. Shay decided having a sweet, hometown girl with her garden felt too wholesome to pass up, but Violet wasn’t used to wearing heels in her safe haven.

Gray checked his camera and tried a few test shots. “Ready to get warmed up, Vi?”

As Violet’s stomach turned, he snapped several shots to get a handle on the lighting.

“Let’s get a few of you with the plants.” Gray directed her to the philodendron plants in front of her.

Violet leaned over them awkwardly and started to pick out dead leaves.

“What are you doing?” Lily snorted, hand on her hip.

“I figured since I’m here, might as well be useful.”

“But you’re not working working,” Lily said. “You’re pretty working.”

“What’s pretty working?” Violet cocked her head to the side.

“You know, delicate.”

Delicate, ugh. Violet hated that word. The antithesis of everything she was. She was strong, broad, and large. Too much, too weird.

“Let’s try this,” Shay said. “Tell me about the plant next to you.”

Violet looked down and spotted her stalwart spider plant. They propagated so nicely; she had an army of them waiting to be sold in Bloom.

“Her name is Cordelia, and I adore her. See how spunky she looks?” She pointed to all the random little shoots poking out. “She’s a spider plant and great for beginners.” Violet lifted it, showing Shay the spikey, thin leaves, and went on to tell them the origin of the plant and what type of soil it liked. “I’ve raised her mother, Anne, for so long, and she’s spawned so many spider plant babies that are now all over Fairwick Falls.”

She looked up, and her eyes caught with Jack’s.

He stood in the doorway, arms crossed, observing the shoot with a smile. Sunbeams shone behind him, and motes of pollen and dust in the air sparkled in the light. He looked like an actual dream come to life.

He’d trimmed his beard so it was cropped close against his face, and his sandy brown hair glinted in the sun. A dark-blue linen button-up strained against his broad chest and complemented his eyes, and his sleeves were rolled up to show his toned, thick forearms. He looked casual but polished. Khakis skimmed over his exceptionally toned ass and hung off of him perfectly. Longing pooled in her middle. He looked like he’d been specifically designed for every single one of Violet’s fantasies.

“You look nice,” she said, locking eyes with Jack. Don’t lie, Violet. Say the truth: he looks like sex on a plate you want to devour.

“Ready to get started?” he said, clapping his hands together. “Do your worst.” He threw a salute toward Gray and kissed Violet on the cheek as he came up to her.

“All right, let’s get one of you holding hands and walking towards me,” Gray directed, crouching down.

Seeing Gray in this new role was so funny after knowing him as the flower farmer who’d stolen her sister’s heart.

Jack leaned towards her ear and murmured, “You’re doing great.” Violet looked down and blushed. Maybe the pink tint of her cheeks would convince Shay and the rest of the world they were a couple.