Page 32 of Wallflower in Bloom

“I’m still thinking about it,” Violet countered quickly. “And this has to stay between us. It’s turning into this whole thing with photos and fake publicity dates, and I don’t know if I’m up for everyone staring at me.”

Lily jumped in. “Maybe this could help you overcome your fear of being the center of attention. Today’s client pitch was garbage without you. They asked all these questions about flowers, and I panicked. I might have said hydrangeas originally came from the ‘drangea’ region of France.”

“We need a real flower and plant expert on client pitches. And you deserve to live a life as a grown-ass woman who won’t faint when talking in front of people.” Rose wrapped a sweaty arm around Violet and kissed her cheek.

Ugh. Nothing like a sisterly dose of tough love.

Violet knew they were right, but was she brave enough? It was like exercising a muscle she didn’t even know existed.

“Plus, think of the sex!” Lily added.

Violet rolled her eyes. “Come on, Lil. It’s fake dating. He wouldn’t like me like that.”

She hated reminding her two drop-dead gorgeous sisters she wasn’t like them. Men didn’t fall at her feet the way they did for Lily and Rose. Lily was tiny and curvy, like an angry pixie. Rose was lithe and athletic like their mother had been.

Violet felt like a lonely, alien outsider when they talked about guys and sex and pretty much everything other than their flower shop.

“Don’t you think it’s time you bloom?” Lily said through the speaker. “Get it?”

Violet rolled her eyes as Rose snorted. Aaron parked a few houses down in his driveway and walked over on a mission.

Oh, shoot. “Aaron’s walking over,” Violet said into the phone. He was notoriously bad at keeping secrets. He’d spilled the beans on four surprise birthday parties.

This year.

“So obviously, we can’t tell him,” Lily said through the speaker, reading Violet’s mind.

“I mean, obviously.” Rose added, “We love him, but it should stay between us unless we’d like the greater tri-state area to know.”

“When exactly,” Aaron’s voice called out from behind Violet, in a mood, “were you going to tell me you were dating a British hottie, best friend?”

She turned to Aaron Forrest, her best friend since childhood, and had to lie directly to his face. “He wanted to keep things quiet.”

“I mean, y’all basically made out on the sidewalk. It’s not quiet any longer. I need all of the details.” Aaron crossed his slim arms, dark tattoos swirling up and down them against his brown skin.

“It’s…new.” She was such a terrible liar. She’d have to get better at this. Pretend it’s real, that he does like you, and all your fantasies have finally come true. “I didn’t think he’d want people to know about us.”

“Why?” Aaron’s face was comically incredulous.

“Well, you know.” Violet gestured at herself.

“I told you to throw away those overalls,” Rose said, looking up from her phone.

“What she said,” Aaron added.

“I meant because of what I look like.” Violet picked up her supplies and started taking them to her car.

Aaron shook his head as if she was crazy. “I saw the way he looked at you when you walked in. He didn’t have to kiss you in front of half the town.”

“Ooo,” Lily called from the phone. “Tell us every detail.”

This was her worst nightmare. Aaron relayed every excruciating detail, including an alleged hard-on he swore Jack had.

She wished.

“And now Vi will be famous,” Lily added from the speakerphone.

“His agent wants us to do publicity shots to post online. I’m afraid the entire world will make fun of me.”