Page 27 of Wallflower in Bloom

He sighed out a moan and pulled away slowly, as if it was agony to stop kissing her. His forehead rested on hers as his eyes searched hers in surprise.


The hell.

Was that.

He glanced at her mouth as he pulled away. “Sorry, I uh…” He cleared his throat and dropped his hands from around her, running a hand through his hair. “Got carried away.”

Had Violet died? Had she somehow been hit by a bus on her way over to Fox & Forrest?

Maybe she was dead and currently in heaven, living a fantasy life where the man of her dreams regularly kissed her in front of god and everyone?

His eyes met hers with a soul-searching look. Her breath caught as she saw past his fame and just saw him. A man who’d devastated her mouth.

And she desperately wanted more.

He held out his hand. “Ready?”

Ha. Right. I’ll just pretend to have bones in my legs and brains in my head after you turned me to mush.

Without saying a word, she grabbed his hand as they walked into Fox & Forrest.

He opened the café door, and they were met with wolf whistles and applause. One of the long-time servers shouted, “Get it, Vi!”

Violet’s face burned with embarrassment as Jack led them around the tables. He beamed back at her as an adoring boyfriend would until they stopped at a table where a stunning, intimidating woman sat.

The weight of Jack’s hand in hers felt so good. She wished he’d never let her go. Maybe she could live out this fantasy for longer than it would take to fool this woman in front of them.

“Shay, meet my girlfriend, Violet.”

Shay raked her up and down with a critical eye. She was Violet’s size and had on a perfectly fitted summer khaki blazer over a sexy leather and chain bustier-style top.

Violet envied her. And rather than blurt out the thoughts sloshing through her head—Where did you get that top? What did the kiss mean? How soon will everyone in town know?—she waved like a car dealership inflatable mascot instead.

“It’s nice to meet you. Have a seat,” Shay said with a stern expression, gesturing to a chair at the table.

It was like she was being called into the principal’s office, if the principal was also a dominatrix.

Violet stumbled into the chair with a loud squeak as it dragged the floor.

“It’s nice to meet you. What brings you to Fairwick Falls?” Violet tried to breathe through everyone staring at the unlikely trio in the middle of the café: the fashionista, the heartthrob, and the gardener.

“I’m sure you remember, darling.” Jack threw an arm around Violet’s chair, and goosebumps traveled down her bare arms as his knuckles stroked her. “Shay wanted to chat with us after the jail incident.”

Right. Most of her common sense was still floating on the sidewalk after being kissed brainless.

“So, tell me, Violet.” Shay drummed her long nails on the tablecloth. “You’re the girlfriend to the man who doesn’t have girlfriends.”

Violet felt her breaths go shallow in panic. She didn’t want to let him down. “Yep. This guy right here. What a charmer. Couldn’t resist.” She plastered on a nervous smile that probably fooled no one.

“Are you…a farmer?” Shay eyed her outfit with curiosity.

“Violet’s flower and plant store is next door. It’s stunning; you should check it out,” Jack said.

Shay glared at him.

“Violet,” Shay said, still glaring at Jack. “Tell me how you met.”