Jen’s smiled at Violet briefly, but her eyes locked on him with a knowing surprise.
Ah, damn. He’d been recognized.
“Hello, Violet,” Jennifer said coolly, dismissing her. “Set those over here.”
Jennifer turned to him with a megawatt smile, but he busied himself unloading the shortcake with another volunteer.
Jennifer stage-whispered to Violet. “You didn’t tell me you had a famous friend.”
“Uh…yeah. He wants to keep it under wraps.” Violet pushed her glasses up and shoved at her hair with a proud smile. “He’s actually staying with me.”
“What a waste.” Jennifer smiled at Violet, but her eyes were all malice.
“What do you mean?” Violet said.
Oh, no. Attack of the mean girl.
“Well”—Jennifer laughed—“you know. It’s not as if you would have a fling with him. I hear his playboy reputation is accurate.” Jennifer gave him a sly grin and winked across the tent.
Ugh, gross.
“Is he single?” Jennifer said in a low voice.
This was the same Jennifer who had psyched Violet out of her pitch, now insulting her to her face after Violet had gone out of her way to help?
Not on his watch.
Time to have some fun.
He stalked over on a mission. “He is not single.” Jack kissed Violet on the cheek. Her skin was warm and velvety soft. His hand landed on her waist, and he tugged her closer to him.
“Ready, darling?”
Jack squeezed Violet’s side and kissed her again on her temple. The scent of lavender and jasmine lingered in his nose.
Her large eyes blinked up at him. “Uh…yeah. Yep. Ready to go.”
He turned back to look at Jennifer. “Sorry, we can’t stay. I want to get another round in bed with this one before I leave. And I didn’t hear a thank you, did you, darling?” He looked down at Violet, who was still processing everything.
“For?” Jennifer glared at him.
“The metric ton of allergen-friendly shortcakes?” he added with a steely tone.
Jennifer plastered on a fake smile. “Thanks, Vi.”
He and Violet walked away, getting to the end of the block before they burst out laughing, and his hand fell from her waist.
Violet looked over her shoulder with a smile. “I totally owe you for that.”
“She’s a right tosser, isn’t she?”
Violet laughed. “Tosser is the right word for her sometimes. I’ve known her forever, and we were best friends as kids. It’s hard for me to say no when she needs my help.”