Page 127 of Wallflower in Bloom

“You left him here?” But he loved Todd. Todd was his soulmate.

“A part of me knew I could never leave you.” He cradled her jaw, and tingles shivered down her spine.

“But what about your home in Vancouver?”

“You’re my home. And I’ll never leave it again.”

Pure beams of happiness radiated through her as she pulled him down, needing his mouth. He pulled her tight against him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, never wanting to let him go.

His mouth caught hers, open-mouthed and wanting. Need pooled inside of her as she sucked in the taste of him. The safety of his spicy scent surrounding her. His arms pulled her tight, and she could feel his biceps squeezing against her.

Pure. Bliss.

She wanted to take everything about him and carry it with her forever. This feeling of being his.

He kissed her cheek slowly. “I can’t wait to build a life right here with you.” His beard tickled her skin as he lazily fanned kisses over her face.

Her hands moved under his shirt, needing to feel the cords of muscles underneath. Needed to scrape her nails against his back and feel him shudder. “With muffins?” she said with a smile.

He huffed out a laugh as he slowly, reverently kissed each eyelid. “And tea. And books. And babies toddling through the garden chasing fireflies.”

Jesus, this man. He knew her.

She needed him with a fire she rarely let herself feel. An inferno ignited at his words, and desire took over as she pulled his mouth to hers.

There would be a lifetime of soft kisses later.

Right now, she wanted his cock so badly.

He groaned as she pressed into him, and he gripped her hips, his fingers digging in. She grabbed his ass, rocking him against her.

“Please say being taken in the garden is on your list,” he panted. His hand grasped her breast, squeezing it, claiming it.

“It is now.” She tugged his shirt off and feasted her eyes on his broad chest. She kissed the muscles she’d missed so much and placed a hot kiss over the soft beating heart she loved.

“Good, because I owe these apple trees a debt of gratitude. If I hadn’t been bewitched by your tits and run into them, I would have never found out about your terribly naughty list.”

She laughed at the real reason for his concussion as he tugged her Bloom t-shirt over her head.

Her laughter died as she registered his face. His breath caught, and he looked like his brain had melted out of his ears.

Oh right.

She forgot she’d worn her favorite plant-inspired lingerie as inspiration for the event today.

The soft, moss-green mesh bralette featured vine and leaf filigree edging that cupped around the curve of her heavy breasts. They curled and swirled around her, ending at the peak of her nipples. The bottom mesh formed a cage around her upper ribs, and vine-like ribbons snaked along the edge and upward, crisscrossing to create bra straps.

He fingered the delicate lace edging along the cup, biting his lip with wanting. “You are beautiful.” His eyes met hers as he found her nipple and rubbed it between his fingers over the mesh of her bra. “So fucking gorgeous. Just like this. This is the real you, Violet.”

She clenched as desire snaked through her, winding its vines around her. She was already practically dripping.

He lowered himself to his knees on the blanket so her breasts were at eye level. “You’re soft, and romantic, and sexy”—he kissed her soft stomach—“and just a bit kinky. Perfect.” His eyes locked with hers as he sucked her nipple through the mesh bra.

Her clit throbbed as he sucked the fabric against her. The hot, wet heat pulling her against the delicious friction of the mesh. She dove her hands into his hair, needing more. The torture was too good. His tongue moved against her, swirling around the peak of her nipple in his mouth. Sucking, laving her with his tongue again and again.

As his hands pulled down the zipper of her linen pants, she remembered it was laundry day, and she’d pulled her naughtiest pair of panties from the back of her underwear drawer.

A cat-like smile curled her lips as he pushed her pants past her hips down to the ground.