Page 125 of Wallflower in Bloom

“Oh my god, you guys. I’m gonna walk home,” Lily grumbled as she climbed into the car.




That night, Violet looked over her pond in the evening dusk and pondered how much everything had changed in the last six weeks.

How much she’d changed.

She’d done something impossible today: speak in front of hundreds of people with all eyes on her.

And I didn’t faint even once.

She’d waited 32 years to start living her life, but it felt like it had finally begun.

On the way home from the event, she’d bought her plane ticket to Vancouver, and she’d leave in the morning.

Maybe I should text him now.

But no, what would she even say via text? Hi, I love you. I’m so sausages for waiting to say it?

A rustle through the orchard trees took her out of her thoughts.

“I don’t accept it.”

She spun quickly, yelping, and felt her feet slip toward the pond.

Oh no, not again.

But as she teetered on the muddy bank of the pond, a firm hand caught her by the waist and yanked her hard against him.

Jack wrapped his arms tight around her, and she slammed into him shocked but happy.

“I’ve gotta stop standing here,” she said, breathlessly looking down at the pond bank. “How—what? Are you—?” Was he a mirage of thick, hard muscles in front of her? She moved her hands across his chest, but he grabbed one and clasped it to him.

“You can imagine my surprise when I hopped off the plane two hours ago, turned on my phone, and it started blowing up. I was tagged on every social media post known to man with the tag #plantdaddywanted.” His hand came to her cheek, and his brows drew together with wanting and humor.

“You were already here? But we decided—”

“I don’t accept it,” he interrupted. “I’m choosing you. I want you, and I don’t accept you breaking up with me to make my life easier. Now if you don’t want a life with me, I’ll leave. But if you do…”

His nervous, determined eyes searched hers. His breath came in shallow pants as if he was asking for the moon.

Rather than just her heart.

“I booked a flight to Vancouver,” she blurted out.

A smile blossomed on his face, and relief washed over it. “I quit Wayridge.”

Her heart slammed in her chest. “You quit your job for me? But you loved it.”

His eyes danced in the moonlight. “Okay, technically, I quit. I told them this would be the last season of Beyond the Manor Walls and to reduce my screen time by half.”

His arms felt lovely and warm, settling on her waist. Violet felt like pinching herself. Her eyes searched the handsome face she’d already craved after only one week apart. “But your career. I can’t let you sacrifice—”

“Work that begets more work isn’t worth living. But a life that begets more life? A life of late mornings, and festivals, and endless hours kissing in a greenhouse? I want that with you.”