He loathed these meetings. Entertainment types talked in subtext. ‘A calming influence’ actually meant, ‘You’ve stopped embarrassing us, but she’s boring.’
Jack nodded with a grin, thinking how Violet had come around his cock in the theater hallway.
Calm, ha.
“This viral series you started with her—”
“It’s her series. I’m merely helping,” Jack clarified. He didn’t want to take any credit from Violet and her sisters.
“It’s turned a corner for you. Your virality score has soared.” Edward turned his laptop, queued up with a dashboard.
“My virality?” Jack leaned closer.
“We monitor all our stars, tracking their social media impact, headlines, who’s trending. You’ve blown everybody else out of the water. Finance says we could double our holiday revenue if you star in the Christmas special.”
“Wow.” He rubbed his lips, still processing. “That sounds great.”
Jack selfishly glanced through the chart for Jason Masterson. He was pleased to see it was third behind Missy and himself.
“The special would be shot on location in England. We can arrange for it to be in the West Country,” Edward said with a fatherly smile. “Filming will start in a month. We’ll make sure the Beyond the Manor Walls schedule works around it. You’ll be a busy man for the next six months.”
Busy and far away from Fairwick Falls.
Earlier that morning, Jack had met the producers of the mafia show, and they’d finally offered him the role. He needed to talk to Shay immediately to manage these competing demands.
“I’ll need to talk to my agent,” Jack said quickly before letting himself say yes to anything.
“Of course. Just wanted to tell you in person your future is bright with the network if you keep your nose clean.”
A self-effacing smile appeared on Jack’s face, thinking of how Violet had stopped him from being thrown in jail again last night. “My girlfriend’s to thank for that, sir.”
Edward’s calculated smile didn’t meet his eyes. “You might consider how well it serves your virality score to have a girlfriend…or more.”
Jack’s stomach turned. God, he hated this business. “But Missy’s right beneath me and has a family.”
“Our viewers appreciate family-oriented female leads. You’ll notice all these fellows here; they’re all married.” He pointed to the bottom of the chart. “Our audience likes to imagine falling for the male main leads. It won’t necessarily kill your career if you marry Vivian—”
“Violet,” Jack corrected.
“Sure. But think about where you’re going and if she’s the right girl to be there with you.”
Jack clenched his jaw, narrowly keeping his temper at bay. “What do you mean?”
“Will she add to your score or hurt it?” Edward shrugged and stood up, and Jack was only too eager to leave the conversation behind.
As he walked back to the hotel, he talked with Shay. She threatened to kiss him senseless for getting two big offers within 24 hours.
She left the decision up to him since both jobs would earn the same money. Either way, he could keep taking care of his dad, Shay would be okay, and his mum would be proud.
The mafia show could catapult his career to the next level, opening doors for movies and high-budget TV shows in LA.
His stomach churned at the thought.
He shuddered at the idea of being within driving distance of his mother. He’d already ignored several calls from her today, knowing she’d want to gloat.
She’d insist on him coming to all the biggest parties, meeting all the ‘best’ people. He’d never have a day to rest and relax, read his books, sip some tea, or stare at pretty green things.
Jack walked along the neighborhood streets, wrestling with his thoughts. Wasn’t this what he’d been working for all along? The idea of picking up his life and starting over in LA caused every nerve ending to scream no.