Page 104 of Wallflower in Bloom

“Have fun!” Missy gave Violet a cartoon princess wave. Violet managed to wave back like a child meeting one of her fairy princess heroes.

“Wow,” Violet whispered, turning back to Jack.

“She’s the best.” He threw a thumb over his shoulder.

“She’s so nice. And she knows who I am!” Violet danced in place.

Jack laughed with her, putting his arm around her waist. “I told you you’re famous.”

They got in line to walk the red carpet, and Violet’s nerves were on high alert.

“They finally let you out of prison!” a loud, booming voice said behind Jack.

They both turned around, and Violet saw the man she’d seen on every holiday special for the last five years: Jason Masterson. She saw a forced grin grow on Jack’s face.

“Jason.” Jack curtly nodded his head and turned to go.

“Surprised they let you out on bail tonight.” Jason laughed at his own bad joke. He turned his wolf-like eyes on Violet. “Aren’t you going to introduce me, Grant?”

Face-to-face with Jason, she realized how good of an actor he really was. Something about him gave her the ick in real life.

Jack put a hand around her waist protectively. “Can’t chat, gotta do the carpet thing.”

“Hold on,” Jason said, playfully pushing Jack’s shoulder to the side. “I’ve never met one of Jack’s real girlfriends.” He sent Violet a wink. “Come on, give us a twirl.”

“We don’t have time,” Jack said, but a crew member caught his elbow, distracting him with a question.

“Come on. You look so gorgeous, Miss…?”

“P-Parker,” Violet stammered.

His eyes raked up and down her body, and she didn’t enjoy any part of it. It felt like he was measuring her, finding her weaknesses. Jason took the opportunity to lean in, his hand lingering on her hip.

“If he disappoints you,” he whispered, “you let me know. I can double whatever he’s paying you.”

Suddenly, his presence was ripped away, and Jack was between them.

“You’re done.” Jack pushed a hand back on Jason’s shoulder, and Violet sighed in relief. Jason smirked and laughed it off as people turned around.

“Come on. Let’s go.” Jack pulled her toward the red carpet. Anger simmered through his physique, back hunched and jaw tightened. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she whispered. Just keep it together, Violet.

His eyebrows narrowed in frustration as they stopped outside the red carpet entrance. “You sure? We can go home.”

“Home?” she said suddenly. “No. I’m not going to let him ruin this.”

A murderous look passed over his face. “Did he say anything? Do anything?”

“His hand lingered too long. It’s fine,” she said, shaking her shoulders to get rid of the icky feeling.

“Hey.” He pulled her to the side behind a curtain. “We don’t have to do this.”

“But you have to—”

“I don’t have to do anything. I’ll go home right now. Your happiness is all that matters to me.” His thumbs stroked her hands as he clutched them.

She looked up into his handsome, sweet face full of worry. She was here with him. The dreamy, kind man of her actual fantasies who somehow lived up to the hype in her head.