Page 61 of Wallflower in Bloom

Gray leaned on the sink with his arms crossed, his anger simmering at Jack. “You said you’d keep your hands off of her.”

He had to keep touching her so no one at the party would be suspicious. Right?

Jack glanced to the doorway as partygoers walked past. He lowered his voice. “Violet’s my fake girlfriend. I’m supposed to touch her.”

Gray’s eyes narrowed. “Not like that, you fuckin’ don’t.”

He didn’t realize Gray had such a soft spot for her. “Why do you care so much? She’s a grown woman.”

“Violet is the nicest person I know. She rarely dates and takes relationships seriously. You have a new flavor of the week every week. I love you, man,” Gray said, rubbing a hand down his jaw, “but come on; you’re not known for keeping a woman’s feelings front and center.”

“Hey,” Jack said sharply, taking umbrage. “Women know the deal. I don’t string them along. It’s all consensual, just like this is. Violet understands it’s all fake.”

Though the word fake was getting harder and harder to say.

Nash widened his stance, settling in. “I’ve known her since we were in diapers. She hasn’t dated much, and when she did…well, she didn’t look as happy as she did out there. What exactly are your intentions?”

Christ, this was not what he signed up for when he decided to fake date the woman haunting his thoughts.

They should protect me from her. He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since he’d slept in her bed.

“I respect Violet,” Jack said, throwing his arms wide. “She’s an adult. How many more times can I say it’s consensual?”

“Yeah, but you won’t hurt her, right?” Nash said, taking a step closer, his voice more menacing. “I need to hear you say you won’t hurt her.”

“Jack! There you are.” The spritely voice of Lily sounded behind Nash as she peeked her head from around his arms. “Move, you big oaf.” She shoved Nash as she walked around him.

“Why are you guys all in the bathroom? Oh my gosh, did you all get your period? Now our cycles will be synced,” Lily said with a smirk.

“We were just warning Jack not to break Violet’s heart,” Gray offered, still glaring at him.

“Hmm. I like this game.” Lily narrowed her eyes, turning on him.

Shit. Violet was sweet and angelic, but her sisters were downright terrifying.

Lily angled an eyebrow. “You did look awfully chummy out there.” She turned to Gray. “Did you tell him she doesn’t date much?”

Nash stepped closer to Lily. “We told him—”

“I wasn’t asking you,” she said testily up at Nash.

Jack slid a glance at Gray, who shrugged, unsure what was up between the two of them.

“How long are you going to be mad at me?” Nash asked her.

“I said I’m not talking to you,” Lily said quickly, turning back to Jack. “So what ‘promises,’ exactly, are you going to make to Violet? And how will you keep her safe and happy and protected?”

“I know I have a reputation, but Violet is different.”

“Damn right, she is.” Lily crossed her arms with a proud smirk.

“And I’d never do anything to hurt her,” Jack added.

Nash leaned his arm on the doorway. “But if you do—”

“You’ll wish you stayed in fucking Canada,” Gray interrupted with a menacing tone.

He looked at the wall of mismatched people in front of him: Lily, tiny and bloodthirsty; Gray, menacing and hulking with tattoos up and down his arms; and Nash, the all-American guy who looked only too happy to break a couple of legs if needed.