Page 25 of Wallflower in Bloom

“I told you I have a girlfriend.” His hand slammed down on the table.

“Welcome to Fox and Forrest.” A perky waitress appeared beside them with a nervous expression. “Can I get you something?”

Shay glared at her. “Vodka soda. Hold the soda.”

“Uh, it’s 11:30.”

“I need less judgment, thank you. Just a burger and fries,” Shay snarled.

“Uh, nothing for me. Sorry, she just got out of a Russian prison.” Jack smiled at the waitress, who giggled as she walked away. “I will not fake date some mind-numbing actress from the network. I have a girlfriend. Tell them that.”

Shay smirked, ready to call his bluff. He loved this woman like a sister, but she was such a ballbuster.

“You understand how I don’t, even for one minute, believe you. It reeks of convenience.”

Fuck, he wished he’d been more generic in his description. He couldn’t expect Violet to lie for him. Drop everything she had going on.

Might as well confess now so we can brainstorm another option.

“This town is weird,” Shay muttered.

He looked up and followed Shay’s gaze to the front of the café.

A curvy woman in overalls with huge, curly auburn hair paced on the sidewalk in front of the café. She gestured wildly with her hands, talking herself up. Half the café was staring already.

Oh fuck. “Would you excuse me?”

Time to see if he had a fake girlfriend or not.




It’s just one lunch. It’s just one lunch. It’s just one lunch.

Violet’s heart thundered in her ears as she coaxed her breakfast to stay in her stomach.

You wanted to be braver, right? Seize your opportunity. This isn’t any different than walking around town with him.

Just a little bitty baby step to being braver.

Maybe if you can do this, you won’t screw up every pitch for Bloom. Maybe someone will love you if you stop panicking when people stare at you.

“You came.”

Jack appeared on the sidewalk in front of her, all GQ perfection.

Oh god. He looks even hotter than usual.

A cornflower blue button-up with sleeves rolled up showcased his muscular forearms. His sandy hair was swept back, and his beard was neatly trimmed to show off his hard jawline. Muscles bulged under his dress shirt as he moved, and her mouth watered.

And she was wearing gardening overalls.


“I’m sorry. I couldn’t decide until the last minute and didn’t think to change.” She flailed her hands, trying to shake off the nerves.