“They weren’t my girlfriends. I don’t have girlfriends.” She raised her eyebrows at him. “But yes. I am the current network bad boy at your service.” He bowed and took another piece of bacon.
Three insistent dings rattled Jack’s phone in his pocket.
PR Goddess
Just landed in Pittsburgh.
I will be in Fairwick Falls in 2.5 hours.
Gird your loins.
“Ah fuck, she found me.”
Violet’s eyebrows drew together with concern. “Who found you?”
“My agent,” he said through gritted teeth as his phone dinged.
PR Goddess
You will meet me for lunch at 11 a. m. sharp at a place called Fox & Forrest
You WILL look dashing, be agreeable, and figure out how to fix this before you LOSE YOUR JOB, AND I DISEMBOWEL YOU WITH A SPORK.
Jack’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he shoved at his hair.
“Is there anything I can do to help? I do owe you a favor, after all.” Violet grabbed a waffle and headed up the stairs.
He followed her up and enjoyed a guilt-free moment of her thick, curved ass swishing before him. He had an insane urge to bite it through her silk sleep shorts.
“Funny you should mention that.” He debated with himself whether to even mention his little lie.
A fib, really.
A teensy, tiny fiblette.
But he couldn’t risk losing his job. Start off easy. Work your way up to it. “What are you up to this morning?”
“The greenhouse. I need to catch up on a big order due in a few months. We can’t seem to keep our pothos plants in stock.”
His phone buzzed three more times. Fuck, just rip off the Band-Aid. “How would you feel about lunch—” Her eyes perked up. Ah fuck. “—as my fake girlfriend?”
Violet blinked. And blinked.
And blinked.
You shit. You broke her. “Or not. It’s fine. My agent will probably ask, and I—"
“You want me to be a fake girlfriend to you.” She wildly gestured to herself, causing every part of her midsection to sway, which had him very distracted. “You could literally get a real girlfriend immediately anywhere. Just yell out the window, and ten women would materialize.”
He rolled his lips with frustration. “But I don’t want a real one. I need a trustworthy fake one to convince my agent and network I’ll behave myself until the next season starts.”
“Why?” she asked with exasperation.
“Because I might have said I already have a real girlfriend...and used your physical description.” He grimaced and tried to smile at her.
“Oh my god.” She rubbed a hand down her face and tossed off her sweater with nervous energy. “I can’t stand people staring at me. You know what happens. I’m a loose cannon. I might scream or faint or run away. I know I owe you a favor, but I don’t know if I can do it.” She turned and walked into her room, pacing the floor.