He threw the car into park even as his head spun, processing the view of his dad.
Violet let out a mewl as she stretched out in her seat. “Thanks for driving.”
God, she’s precious. He didn’t want to leave her for two seconds, let alone forever. He had to make the most of every single moment.
He leaned over, thumb on Violet’s chin, as he brought her to him for a brief kiss. He’d miss her taste. The warm musky scent laced with lavender that instantly calmed him. She pulled back and stared into his eyes.
He was such a coward for not telling her how he felt. That holy fuck, I love her realization was kept to himself, but only just barely. Better move before it spilled out of his mouth, making life even more complicated. They got their bags out of the car and walked to the cottage.
“Welcome back!” His dad toasted with his wine glass.
“Violet, we saw the fancast yesterday and you looked radiant,” said the woman beside his father.
“Ms. McClotskey, this is Jack. My boyfriend.”
“Jack, I am such a fan. And please, call me June,” June said with a pretty smile. His father’s hand was still wrapped in hers.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Jack said with a measured glance.
Violet tossed her bags down. “I’ll go check on the plant babies.”
June hopped up. “Oh, me too. I want all of the celeb gossip.” She and Violet walked back to the greenhouse in the dusky light.
“Have something to share?” Jack said, sitting down beside his father.
“I already know how the birds and the bees work, son.” His dad took a swig of wine.
“Christ.” Jack swiped his hand along his face, trying to wipe away this never-ending day. “I didn’t know you”—he waved his hand in June’s direction—“dated.”
“I like June.” His dad beamed. “Really like her. We’ve seen each other every day since I landed.”
What the fuck? He’d been so caught up in getting ready for the event he’d missed his dad having a whirlwind relationship under his nose.
When the Grant men fell, they fell fast and hard, apparently.
His father smirked into his wine. “Might stay a bit longer than I planned to see if it’s an as long as we both shall live kind of thing.”
Fuck. Did he think Jack was going to stay in Fairwick Falls forever? “I adore Violet, but I don’t want you making any forever plans based on me.”
“This has nothing to do with you, my boy.” His father had a shy, happy grin. “I knew when I saw June’s smile as ’er hair glinted in the sun, givin’ me directions to Bloom that first day, that somethin’ was there. Somethin’ I wanted to hold on to.”
Jack nodded. He thought back to the first night in Violet’s kitchen. Their sparks had started simmering then.
He was happy for his father. “You deserve only the best. Don’t let her tell you otherwise,” he said, winking as his father chuckled.
“And do you know?” his dad asked, nodding towards the greenhouse. “If this lovely lady with the sweetest disposition and unearthly ability with plants is the one?”
Jack scratched the back of his head nervously. “I got the big Christmas gig and have to film in England this fall. Violet and I are keeping things…loose,” he said, biting his lips nervously.
“I’m proud of you either way,” his father said. “But you only live life once. I’d give my entire veg patch to have met June even a year earlier. A month earlier. Who knows how much time I have left? How much any of us have left? Nothin’, not a single penny, is worth a broken heart. Not fame, nor money, nor prized courgettes.”
His dad stood up and tapped him on the shoulder with his fist. “Now, let’s see what nonsense our ladies are up to.”
His father strode off with a wine glass, bizarrely at home in a country not his own, in a house not his own, but firm in the knowledge he’d found a lovely woman to spend time with, for however much time they all had left.
Why the bloody fucking hell couldn’t he be like his dad?