When his lips part from mine, I let out a contented sigh and close my eyes, finally giving in to my slumber.

Chapter 40


The past seven nights have been filled with the loveliest music—the melody of my little kitten coming. I’ll never tire of the sound she makes when she’s reaching her peak toward the heavens.

To many, Nas Laed is paradise on earth.

But to me?

Nothing has me closer to feasting with the gods then watching my love come undone.

Like clockwork, after everyone has gone to bed, she knocks on my door, wearing her black cape, her silent way of telling me she wants to go out and play.

And every night, I oblige her.

I pick up my own dark cloak and entwine my hand in hers, without even uttering a word.

We never talk on our way into the city.

No words are shared as we walk the streets of it either.

It is only when we enter the pleasure house and lock ourselves in our favorite room that we become our true selves and are able to speak our minds freely.

I tell her what a good little kitten she is as I tie her up to a table, a chair, a wall, whatever my mood craves that night. And then after I’ve picked my poison of choice, I order her to purr for me as I mark her body repeatedly. Her fair porcelain skin turns the prettiest shade of pink and red with each love bite I inflict on her.

And purr, she does.

She wails and thrashes and begs for more until it’s too much for her to take, needing the release that only my fingers can provide.

And each time she falls from the heavens back into my arms, she asks me the same questions.

Did you come?


Will you kiss me?


It’s only after I’ve laid a chaste kiss to her lips that she succumbs to her exhaustion.

And every night, I carry her out of the pleasure house in my arms, a carriage already waiting for us at the door to take us home.

In all the times she’s laid bare for me, opened herself up so beautifully to me, I have yet to touch her like I want to.

I have yet to kiss her like Ineed.

But tonight, things are going to be different.

Katrina has gotten a taste of who she truly is.

And now it’s time she realizes who I am.

Chapter 41
