I’m about to tell him to move, when one of the most exotic women I have ever seen walks into the room.


That’s not the right word for what she does.

Her graceful, silent steps almost make you believe that her feet never touch the floor as she glides over to where we are seated.

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I was sure I was going to dine alone. Again.”

I don’t miss how she adds emphasis to the word again as her black eyes go straight to me.

“Change of plans, I’m afraid. I didn’t account for the queen’s… entourage,” Teo explains, flicking imaginary lint off his white pants.

“Entourage, you say.” Her gaze flits from me to Inessa and then onto Anya. “And what an exquisite pair they are,” she all but purrs, her eyes lingering a little too long on the red-haired woman at my side.

With attentive eyes, I watch this woman sway her slender hips toward Anya, taking a seat at her side. The way she scans every inch of my friend from top to bottom is unnerving. Anya must feel it too because her cheeks start to blush profusely.

“Aren’t you a pretty little thing?” she rasps, licking her lips. “Your skin looks like the sweetest cream. I’ve never seen such flawless skin on a woman.”

Anya swallows hard, blinking rapidly.

“You’re too kind,” Anya retorts nervously, her own eyes going to the smooth, immaculate dark skin of the woman sitting next to her.

Anya can’t take her eyes off her. And I’m having a hard time not staring too.

The blood-red low-cut dress favors the woman’s rich, dark skin immensely, making it look even more tantalizing to touch. But it’s the way she wears her sleek black hair just above her shoulders that really does wonders for elongating her neck and bringing anyone’s eyes to the sunflower medallion sitting pretty at the hollow of her throat. I have no doubt that this stranger in our midst must be the goddess of fire personified, with the sole goal to increase the temperature in any room with her mere presence alone.

Strong, beautiful, and fearless.

Those are the words that immediately come to mind to describe such a force of nature.

“Oh, no,” she says dramatically, her strategic gaze falling to the little red mark on Anya’s forearm. “You’re hurt.”

“Oh, this? It’s nothing,” Anya is quick to shrug off, throwing a side-eye to Inessa sitting across from her.

“I know how to make it better,” she retorts, batting her long, beautiful eyelashes at my friend, before leaning down and planting a kiss to the small bruise.

“Hmm.” She licks her lips, lifting her head just to lean ever so close to Anya’s shocked face. “You even taste as sweet as you look,” the woman proclaims loudly as if no one else is in the room witnessing their interaction. “I wonder if all of you is as sweet.”

“Cleo, behave,” Teo interjects with a laugh. “It’s time to eat. Not play with our food.”

“Like I said before, you can always do both.” She winks at him, making him laugh even harder.

Anya is still too stunned to say anything, while I, on the other hand, have plenty to say.

“Teo? Who is this woman and why does she insist on perturbing my handmaiden?” I scowl, throwing daggers at the woman that is making my friend shift in her seat and look all but flushed.

“Oh, there I go again. Forgetting my manners,” Teo jokes with a shrug, still not answering my question.

“It’s hard to forget something you never had.” I throw him my best fake grin.

“Fair enough. This is Cleo. She’s my right hand.”

“And his left, when he’s in the mood for it,” Cleo interjects, winking at Anya, who looks like she’s about to faint if she doesn’t breathe soon.

“Teo, mind telling yourright handthat she won’t enjoy it if I usemy leftacross her face if she doesn’t stop harassing Anya?”

Cleo immediately pulls away from my friend, giving her enough breathing room, just to stare daggers at me.