“Didn’t I just tell himnotto do something stupid?” I mumble to myself before I shout at him again. “Will you stop being such a fucking pussy and let me talk to you, man to man?”

“I’m not a pussy!” he howls, thankfully stopping in his tracks.

Thank the gods.

“Then don’t act like one.” I smirk when he’s within arm’s reach.

“I’m not!” he insists, his expression filled with loathing.

“Prove it then. Let’s go somewhere and talk this shit out. Let’s be men about this and come to a resolution.”

“You want to talk? We can talk. Won’t change my mind about telling King Orville that you kissed his daughter,” he seethes.

Now why did he have to say that shit?

Just makes my decision for me. And what I’m about to do is sure to get a whole lot messier.

“So are we going to talk or not?”

“Fine. Talk, asshole,” he snaps, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You know, if I didn’t love you like my kid brother, I might take offense to such words,” I tease.

“I’m not a kid. So don’t patronize me by treating me like one.”

Fourteen summers this little shit has and already he thinks he can talk like a man. If he wasn’t so sick all the time, I wouldn’t think twice about slapping him across the head a few times to keep him humble. But just by the way he’s wheezing, gasping for air from the sprint we’ve just done, I know that roughing him up won’t be the solution.

“My mistake.” I press my palm to my heart. “Come, let’s go and talk.”

“We can talk right here,” he states adamantly.

“And risk someone hearing us?” I shake my head with a tsk. “No. I know the perfect place we can go to talk more privately. Follow me.”

I turn around and head in the direction of a door that will lead me to where I need to go. I let out an exhale in relief with the sound of Atlas’s soft footsteps following me. I don’t dare say a word as we climb down a flight of stairs leading us beneath the castle.

“The dungeons? That’s where you’re taking us?” he asks behind me.

“Can you think of a better place for us to hash things out where no one will see us?” I say lightheartedly. “The castle is crawling with people for the king’s birthday feast. And you know as well as I do that on his birthday, he always shows lenience to whatever prisoners are being held down here. It’s King Orville’s way of showing benevolence,” I joke sarcastically, since we all know the northern king is anything but benevolent.

When Atlas doesn’t answer me back, I know I got him.

I step into the dungeon and walk to the closest open cage I can find. Atlas suspiciously walks my way, preferring to keep a small distance between us.

“Okay, you got me here. Now what?” he asks belligerently.

I place my hands on his small shoulders and shrug.

“And now this,” I say before shoving him inside an empty cell and clicking its door shut, trapping him inside.

“The fuck are you doing?” he shouts at me with rage.

“What I need to. You want out? Then calm the fuck down. Once you start thinking right, past your damn jealousy, then we can talk. Not before.”

“Who says I’m jealous?!”

“I do. You’ve been pining over Katrina since before your balls dropped. Don’t say you haven’t. I’ve got eyes. Following her like a little puppy. Fucking pathetic.” I laugh, but Atlas doesn’t find me one bit amusing.

“Mark my words, Teodoro, one day I’ll kill you dead.”