“Make sure your handmaidens prepare a bath for you to soak in. You’re bound to need it after such a thorough riding.”

And with that, he turns his back to me and walks away.

Chapter 21


For the rest of the day, everywhere I go, I’m consistently congratulated for something I have yet to achieve—conquering the north.

But to my kingdom, it’s as good as won and they have their king to thank for such a glorious achievement. With every uttered praise I receive from the high lords in my court, they are always followed by a derogatory slur, cursing the very queen they wish me to marry. It’s a wonder I’m able to keep the stern expression in place on my face when inside, considering I’m a mass of utter chaos. I feel my blood boil with every clink of a glass and every pat on the back.

Fearing I’ll end up locking every last soul in my court that dares speak against Kat, I use the excuse of being weary after such a long journey home as my way out of the situation and lock myself in my chambers.

But I’m the furthest thing from being tired.

I’m far too troubled for that.

Memories of lying in Kat’s bed last night consume all my thoughts.

The way she tasted on my lips.

The way she moaned out my name.

The way her virgin pussy hugged my cock and milked it for all its worth.


While my people celebrate my hollow victory over the queen of Aikyam, I fear my dawning defeat. My mind is riddled with too many doubts and even more uncertainties.

Last night, as she laughed and joked and played with my hair, it was almost as if a window to the past had opened its shutters just to give me a glimpse of the girl I loved. My Kat was right there, so close that I could almost touch her, bathe in her very essence.

But with this Katrina, I can never be too certain. Could it have been just another one of her ploys, another strategy to break my defenses? Was it all an act? Tricking me into believing that last night was real for the both of us and not just smoke and mirrors, obscuring my sight from the truth. That her body is just another tool in her armory to vanquish me once and for all.

And fuck did I ever let her destroy me last night.

The way her lower lip trembled as I slid inside her still has me hard.

It might all have been a lie, but one thing for sure wasn’t—how her pussy bled around my cock with each punishing thrust.

I know Kat would do just about anything to keep her crown, but offering up her virginity to a man she has sworn to hate doesn’t seem likely.

Or am I fooling myself?

Could she be that conniving and calculating? That cold and unfeeling?

Just how far is Katrina really willing to go to keep her seat on the throne?

These thoughts haunt me as the day passes and by nightfall, I’m all but done.

So much so that when Brick waltzes into my chambers, I don’t even acknowledge his presence, preferring to pretend that I’m preoccupied with all the correspondence and ledgers on my desk.

“Your silence is awfully loud, dear friend,” Brick says when he’s fed up with waiting for me to lift my head up from my work.

“Hmm,” I mumble non committedly, eyes glued to the same scroll I’ve been staring at for the past hour.

Brick lets out a loud exhale before venturing closer to me.

“I’m not sure if what I have to say will be an improvement,” he adds, leaning over my desk and planting his palms flat down on its edge.