With each pounding thrust, I lose control over my body, and when it starts to convulse, the fire inside me threatening to melt my very being, my sight leaves me once more. Only this time, I’m not welcomed by the dark, but by blinding light. A white-hot warmth shrouds over me, leaving me breathless in its wake. I’m still panting for air when Levi pounds into me two more times before having his own celestial experience. He drops on top of me, his weight almost crushing me to the bed. I wiggle a bit to the side, but keep his head placed in between my breasts.

It takes us a while to even our breathing, but the shared silence between us feels comfortable.



“Can I ask you something?” Levi asks after a while.

“Hmm,” I hum, my fingertips playing with his braids.

“Why did you cancel our dinner tonight?”

“Do you want the truth?”

Levi raises his head and plants his chin in between my breasts.

“If I said yes, would you lie to me anyway?”

“I might,” I tease.

His expression saddens, and before he’s reminded of the fact that he doesn’t necessarily like me very much, I opt to tell him the truth.

“I was too worried to be a good hostess tonight,” I admit, still playing with his hair.

“What were you worried about?”

“If I tell you, then you might be the one forced to lie to me.”

“Try me,” he smiles, that all-consuming Sun-God smile of his.

It’s enough to have me relenting.

“Tomorrow, my true test begins. When we pass your city’s gate, who knows what is there to greet me. I’m sure there are many in your court with hefty purses who might be inclined to gain favor with their king by murdering me.”

“He’d have to kill me first,” Levi utters with conviction.

“Even if he’s doing it for you?”

“Killing you isn’t something I want. I don’t think I ever really did.” His brow furrows in thought. “I don’t want you to be afraid in Arkøya. I’ll protect you. No one will dare lay a finger on you.”

He says it with such passion, that even if logic tells me not to, I trust him.

“No one will touch me?” I tease, biting the corner of my lip as my finger trails over his lush bottom one.

“I’m the only one that can. And I’ll be doing lots of it,” he jokes, pulling me up to his chest.

My palms lay flat on his firm six-pack, while my eyes linger on his beautiful face.

“How much touching are we talking about?” I cock a teasing brow, rubbing my pussy on him.

“I’m a man of action, Kat. How about I show you?”

“Please do.” I giggle, as he flings me once again to my back, towering over me with his huge frame.

“You’ll be sore as fuck tomorrow,” Levi warns, his cock at full-mast.

“That’s a problem for the queen tomorrow. Tonight, I’m just Kat.”