Before I can stop him, his hands go to my waist and he lifts me off the floor, only to plant me on his shoulder.

“Remind me never to trust you again,” he says, slapping my ass cheeks. “One kiss! You have no idea how you were two seconds away from drinking up all my cum. And I would have made you, too. Drink every last drop of it. I’d even make you beg me. Misbehave like that, and I will.”

Another slap.


The throbbing ache in my pussy increases with every slap, the sting making me weep from it. I thank the gods for small mercies when Levi flings me onto the bed, unable to prolong the never-ending suffering his so-called punishment was affecting on me.

Standing tall at the end of my bed, he slaps each one of my ankles, forcing them to spread apart and expose myself for him. I bite down hard on my lip as he begins to take off his coat and pull his shirt over his head, throwing them behind his shoulders.

My eyes eat up every hard inch of him as he snakes his way onto the bed, positioning himself in between my thighs. When he finally reaches my face, his anger with me is long gone, and in its place, the same urgent need resides.

“You will choose me, Kat,” he forewarns, plucking my lower lip from my teeth’s grip. “You will. Because you won’t be able to forget that I’m the man who tasted every inch of you. That stole your innocence and made you come with his tongue and his cock. I will haunt you forever. You won’t be able to choose anyone else, because they will all be lacking in your eyes.”

It should feel like a threat.

A vile threat only an enemy would make.

Yet each word feels like a kiss to my skin—a heartfelt promise.

On instinct, I wrap my legs around his waist and cling my arms around his broad shoulders.

“You don’t scare me, Levi. Remember, I’m the only one here who is truly terrifying.”

His eyes scan my face, reading the truth in my words.

“Terrifyingly beautiful,” he whispers under his breath, gently stroking my cheek with his knuckles.

My bravado dwindles with his sweet endearment, and once again, I’m pulled back into the past, where the man towering over me now would prefer to die an excruciating death than cause me an ounce of pain.

“Transcendent,” I whisper back, a flash of recognition in his eyes.

It’s all the motivation he needs to press his lips against mine in an arduous kiss. His tongue forces itself inside me, just to battle it out with his counterpart. My nails sink into his shoulders as he deepens the kiss in such a way, I’m not sure where Levi ends and I begin.

It’s all too much, I think to myself, but I should have known that this was only the beginning for what Levi had in store for me. I feel his crown edge at my center, the empty ache inside of me begging it to breach its doors. But Levi is so consumed with our kiss, that he’s in no hurry to satiate my hunger.

Unable to hold out for another second, my nails pierce his flesh, creating crescent moons on his shoulders, while I use it as leverage to pull myself down his engorged length. My back arches off the bed and my sight turns black as the pain of being split wide open is too much for me to take.

“Fuck, Kat! Why the fuck did you do that?” he grunts, sweat beading on his forehead. “I wanted to take my time with you. The first time is always the hardest. But you’re always so impatient. So fucking impatient,” he continues to reprimand while leaving butterfly kisses all over my face, thinking that will ease my suffering.

I breathe through my nose until my sight returns to me. I had no idea how painful this could be. By Anya’s accounts, a good tumbling is all about pleasure. Never once did she warn me that it could be the opposite.

“Breathe, Kat. Soon, all of this will feel good. I promise.”

I try to believe him, but in my current affliction, it’s very hard to.

Levi, sensing the immeasurable pain I’m in, begins to kiss me. I focus on his kiss and soon, as he said, I feel my body mold itself to his. I pout when Levi breaks our kiss, but then smile when he starts kissing the slope of my neck, all the way down my chest until his lips latch onto my nipples. His teeth gently bite into my sensitive flesh, creating that all-too-familiar sting that ignites my lower belly. Suddenly, Levi moves inside me, and this time there is no pain to speak of—only pleasure.

Pleasure that I’ve never once tasted before.

It’s like the purest light trapped in a bottle and once let loose, it blinds you with its explosion.

My throat becomes hoarse with all the high-pitched cries that spill out of me.

Levi whispers words of praise as his thrusts increase in speed.

“You look so fucking beautiful right now. Taking my cock like the fucking queen you are. That’s it, my queen. Take it. Take it all.”