First, I play with the sack underneath his long, thick member, knowing how sensitive it is. I watch in wonder as Levi’s head falls back over his shoulder with my delicate touch. Encouraging me that I’m on the right path, I slide my hand around the base of his cock and trail it up, only to stroke it back down again.

Levi’s breathing becomes even more ragged, fueling my own desire to multiply. There’s a certain power in this. How even on my knees, I’m the one who is making him undone. I lick my parched lips, and the little air I let out must brush against his length, because he then weaves his fingers through my hair and pulls it back with a sharp pull.

“That’s enough, Kat,” he growls, his green eyes two shades darker.

“But I haven’t even started.”

“For fuck’s sake, Kat, I know that. Don’t you think I know that?” he almost shouts, pulling on the ends of his own braids.

“A kiss. You owe me a kiss,” I try to negotiate. “You gave one to me. It’s only fair I get to give you one too.”

His long black lashes beat a mile a minute, as if he’s not recognizing this creature on her knees before him. If I’m being honest with myself, his guess is as good as mine, since I have no idea who I’m becoming.

“One!” He raises his finger at me to drive his message across. “One, Kat, or I swear I will beat your hide red with this very hand.”

My pussy clenches at his words, and for a moment, the idea of Levi spanking me drowns out all the illicit ideas I could have ever come up with on my own. My depravity more than my curiosity has me doubling down on the kiss Levi expects from me.

With my eyes fixed on his, I innocently bat my eyelashes at him and use my full tongue to lap at him, from the base of his cock right to its crown. Once my lips are at the head, I wrap them around it and slowly take him inside the cavern of my mouth. There is an instant sting to my scalp, Levi pulling at my hair, trying to prevent me from going any further.

He should know me by now.

I don’t quit in the face of a challenge.

I knew from the start it would be difficult to swallow Levi’s cock all the way, but my father always said that just because a task is difficult doesn’t mean they are impossible to overcome. Breathing hard through my nose, I relax my throat as much as I can and take him in a little at a time. Tears begin to sting my eyes with the effort, making me pull back up just to push back down again. It’s only when I am fully at the hilt that I celebrate, uncaring of the tears that streak down my cheeks. Encouraged by my newfound proficiency, I hollow my cheeks and start sucking like the end of days is right around the corner. Every moan he lets out, every pull of hair, only inspires me to do my very worst, or in Levi’s case, my best.

“Fuck! Fuck! Stop!”

I don’t pay him any mind since this is as much for me as it is for him. The power I feel over him is too deliciously intoxicating for me to stop now. He swells deeper in my throat, his curses music to my ears. My usually cold skin feels like it was doused in kerosene, and Levi set the match, intent on watching me burn.

And there’s something else that is happening.

There’s this emptiness inside.

Too hollow to be ignored and begs to be filled.

Yearns and prays for it.

Suddenly Levi isn’t the only one that’s moaning. Whiny moans leave me as my legs rub together, needing to relieve the ache in between them.

“Fuck! No more!” Levi shouts, and this time he shoves his hands under my shoulders and pulls me up. On wobbly knees I stand up straight, while Levi grabs at my chin, pulling me right to his face.

“One kiss, my ass. If your intention was for me to come in that pretty mouth of yours, you’re in for a world of disappointment. When I come, it will be here,” he warns, shoving his hand in between my aching thighs.

I let out a loud wail, rubbing myself on his hand just to take the pain away.

“Are you hurting, my queen?”

I nod vigorously, my eyelids too heavy to keep open.

“Look at me,” he orders.

With much effort, I do as he commands.

“Do you want to marry me as a virgin, Kat? If so, tell me now so we can stop all of this while we still have the chance.”

“Who says I’m going to marry you at all?” I defy breathlessly, ashamedly rubbing my pussy on his fingers.

“Wrong fucking answer.”