“Ego,” Inessa interjects coldly. “That’s all it is to them. They don’t care if you love them back or not. Not really. All they care about is the conquest. They want to be number one in all things. Even in love. It has nothing to do with winning hearts, but more to do with their own pride,” she adds bitterly, dismissing her friends’ opinions on the matter.

While they all continue on defending their own points of view on the games of love, they don’t realize that unintentionally I’m devouring each morsel of information they offer. Their words begin to seep into my subconsciousness and suddenly, for the first time in months, a smile begins to tug at the corner of my lips.

And as a plan begins to take form, my smile only blooms brighter, so much so it ends up making my handmaidens uncomfortable seeing it on my usually expressionless face.

“Is everything all right, Your Highness?” Inessa asks worriedly, not used to me smiling like this.

“It is more than alright. It’s perfect,” I singsong excitedly, jumping up from the tub, the water dripping down my naked form. “Hand me my robe, Inessa. There is much to do today.”

Inessa swiftly brings me my robe, all four girls drying me as best they can before decorating me with the lavish gown and jewels they had prepared for me last night. Anya brushes my long blonde hair back, letting it fall down my shoulders before tying it into a long braid, its end hitting my waist.

Once I’m fully dressed, I dismiss them and rush to find the one person who I know will put my plan in motion. Five minutes later, I find him in his quarters breaking his fast.

“Your Highness,” Uncle Adelid greets, springing up to his feet before bowing to me.

“Good morning, Uncle,” I retort, unable to keep the smile on my face hidden.

“Well, look at you, child. You look awfully upbeat, all things considered.” He chuckles, sitting back down to continue his meal.

“That’s because I am,” I reply, stealing a grape from his plate and popping it into my mouth.

“And will you share with me whatever joyous news has put that glorious smile on your face?” He laughs, amused, instead of swatting my hand away when I go for a second grape.

“In due time. First, I’d like you to order another council meeting. I want every lord in my great hall within the next hour.”

His broad smile instantly drops from his face with the order.

“Is that wise, niece? After yesterday, I would have thought you’d only ask for another gathering after you’ve established a solid way of defeating our enemies. Facing the lords without a well-thought-out plan seems unwise.”

“Then it’s a good thing that I have one. One hour, Adelid,” I command cheerfully before walking away to leave him to his duty.

A smidge of guilt rises in my chest that I didn’t tell him my plan right there and then, but I want to see the look of surprise on my uncle’s face when I announce it to everyone. Yes, the solution to my troubles is a bit controversial, and it will demand sacrifice on my part, but in the end, it’s one I’m happy to pay if it will ensure that my people’s lives are spared.

The more I think about it, the more the idea grows roots inside my soul. It’s perfectly simple but wholly effective. It’s the answer to all my problems and it’s baffling to me how I never considered it before.

Men are simple creatures with huge egos.

They all want what they cannot have.

So why not let them tear themselves apart and wash my hands of the tedious effort?

They want my crown, then I’ll dangle it in front of their faces, and stand back as they destroy each other to have it.

An hour later, as instructed, Adelid has made sure that my great hall is filled to the brim with all the lords that were in attendance yesterday. When I walk in and take my rightful seat at my throne, I feel the weight of their stares on me, all of them perplexed at this unexpected summons.

“My lords,” I greet, keeping my excitement hidden from all these vultures. “I have thought long and hard about the tribulations and hardships my kingdom is facing. I know that each one of you believes that King Levi, King Teodoro, and King Atlas have broken faith with us and should be held accountable for their treachery. Some of you have been very vocal that war is our only hope to ensure my sovereignty. I, however, am of a different mindset. Like me, these kings deserve respect, and I fear that the north has been less than kind when it comes to showing this to them, causing this tragic rift to grow between us. This cannot be. Not as long as I am queen, which I intend to be for a very,verylong time.”

All eyes are on me as I square my shoulders, looking impervious to their confused glances.

“As you all know, it has been twenty-three winters since I was born, and if my father were still alive, he’d want me to find someone worthy to stand at my side. Someone to share all my burdens with, and to also ensure that my family’s lineage continues. Who better suited for such a privileged endeavor than a king?”

The words have barely left my lips when audible gasps and hollers of excitement split the room in half.

“Adelid,” I turn to my uncle, ignoring how his face has grown pale from my decision, “please send letters to all three kings. Tell them that I remember a time when, as young men, they visited my home and were met with nothing but friendship and hospitality for the duration of their stay. Inform them that I expect the same treatment to be bestowed onto me while I visit their lands within the next fortnight. My intention is to spend one month in the east, south, and west, respectively, and reacquaint myself with these treasured friends of my youth.”

My uncle nods submissively to the order, keeping his true thoughts to himself.

“Once my visit has been completed, I will then return home and invite all three kings to come to me in the north to pay tribute to their queen. Then, and only then, will I decide which king will be my betrothed. This kingdom’s strife will end in celebration of my upcoming nuptials and this kingdom will be unified once again.”