Levi with his imparting wisdom and grand aura.

And Teo, the boy who always seems to plant butterflies in my stomach whenever he’s near.

All of them so different, and yet still the same, since they all belong to me.

“Move those feet, kitten. I have a surprise for you,” Teo chuckles as he maneuvers his way through my castle’s walls.

“I’m trying. It’s not easy to run in heels, you know,” I laugh, hurrying up my pace.

“No, I don’t know, ‘cause I’ve never worn heels,” he jokes.

“Lucky you. Remind me to make you one day, then you’ll see what I’m talking about.”

Teo stops abruptly, almost causing me to run into him.

“Give them here,” he asks, stretching his hand to me.

“Give you what?”

“Your shoes, kitten. Your shoes.” He laughs, going to his haunches so that he can take my heels off my feet.

I hold on to his shoulders to keep steady, confused as to why he wants my shoes. Once he has them in his hands, he turns his back to me and looks over his shoulder.

“Don’t just stand there staring at me. Jump on.” He chuckles, patting his back to drive the point home.

Giddy, I do as he says and jump on his back, Teo holding on to me as best he can with my heels in his hands.

“Hold tight, kitten,” he warns before taking off.

I giggle excitedly as Teo runs as fast as he can with me on his back through the maze that is Tarnow Castle. I have no idea where he’s taking me, but knowing Teo, it will undoubtedly be the best of adventures.

It’s only when he takes a right turn on the ground floor that I realize where he’s leading me to—my favorite place in the world—Momma’s winter garden. I hold on to him even tighter, my heart feeling like it may jump out of me in anticipation with whatever plan he’s got up his sleeve. When we reach outside, I breathe in the cold night air mixed with the scent of our traditional blue rose. Teo continues to carry me through the vast garden until we reach the white gazebo that’s located right at its center.

My mouth opens when my eyes land on countless blue petals all spread out on the floor, strategically placed to look like a heart.

Teo gently plants my feet on solid ground, though I still feel like I’m flying.

“What’s this?” I stammer, still awestruck at such a sweet gesture.

“What does it look like?” he asks, his voice no longer holding that mischievous playful quality he’s known for.

I bite my bottom lip, unsure of what to say, so I end up saying the obvious.

“It looks like a heart,” I blurt out nervously.

“It does, doesn’t it?” he retorts with a light chuckle, even though his golden eyes still look serious.

My heart beats a mile a minute as I lose myself in his amber abyss.

“Come here, kitten. I need to tell you something. Something that I’ve been trying to tell you since the day we met.”

“When we were in diapers?” I try to joke to lighten the mood.

When Teo lets out a laugh that comes from his gut, I relax a little, comforted in the knowledge that even though he’s trying to be serious, my carefree Teo still lives inside him.

“Okay, maybe not since then, but it’s been a long time coming.”

When my feet refuse to move, Teo pulls me to him, placing his palm on my lower back.