“Your pussy tasted so fucking good, Kat. I bet it will feel even better wrapped around my cock.”
Her chest begins to heave up and down, her frightened yet curious gaze darting to mine.
“Does that scare you? How much I’d love nothing more than to stretch you out, and have you beg me for more?”
Her jaw goes lax, eyes wide as she struggles to form a reply.
Not that whatever she says will dismay me. Either I fuck her against this tree tonight, or later in our bridal bed.
‘Once you are married and crowned king, I will plunge my dagger into her cold heart on her very bridal bed as my wedding present to you. I swear it on the blood that was shed in her family’s name.’
It’s the memory of Atlas’s words that douses my libido in ice water.
And to my chagrin, Kat immediately picks up on my shifting mood.
This time when she opens her mouth, I know exactly what her question will be.
But then, as if the gods have personally come to my aid, I hear my men calling out for me.
“Over here!” I bellow, releasing Kat from her imprisonment.
Her inquisitive brows are still scrunched together on her forehead as she silently watches me fix her wrinkled dress and ruffled hair as best I can.
When five of my most trusted soldiers on horseback appear, I grab hold of Kat’s forearm and push her toward them.
“Please take the queen back to her tent, and tell her guards that if they ever lose track of her and fail to protect her again, they’ll have me to account to.”
Kat pulls her arm from my grip, her facial features back to their original cold, arctic front. The deathly stare she gives me over her shoulder as she walks toward my men chills me to the bone.
A part of me wants to pull her back into my arms, while another wants her as far away from me as possible.
Brick’s right.
Sheisfucking with my head.
And worst of all, she’s starting to fuck with my heart, too.
Which is very inconvenient, since she’s put a plan in motion where she could end up belonging to someone else instead of me.
Teo instantly comes to the forefront of my mind, his smug smile taunting me.
But after what just happened here in these woods…
After I tasted her sweetness, and felt her body melt to mine…
Like hell I’ll ever let him have her now.
Chapter 17
The minute we step inside the camp, I order Levi’s guard dog to halt his horse so that I may walk the rest of the way. To my fury, the young soldier has the audacity to look over at Levi riding beside us to get his consent.
Fury blinds me to turn around and pull at his lapel.
“Listen here, soldier. You obey my orders, not his! Do you understand me?!” I shout.
“Let her go, Sten,” Levi belts out. “I’ve seen firsthand how mean she can get when she doesn’t get her way. I’ve even got the claw marks on my shoulders to prove it.”