“Wise, no. But I’m not laughing at you, Kat. I’m laughing at that.” He points to the way the corner of my lips curls up in disgust.

“I don’t understand, but in all honesty, I don’t care to, either. Tell me why Atlas wrote to you. Or better yet, give me the letter and I’ll read it myself,” I command, holding out my open palm for him.

“I can’t do that,” he replies, no longer sounding amused.

“And why not? I’m ordering you to give me that letter.”

“You can order me all you want. Until you are as blue in the face as a northern rose. I can’t give you what I don’t have.”

“What do you mean you don’t have it? What did you do with it?” I ask frustratedly.

“I burned it,” he admits without missing a beat.

I’m all but fuming now.

“And why, pray tell, did you do that?”

“Because my personal correspondence is exactly that. Personal—mine to do with as I see fit.”

Even with me staring daggers at him, Levi doesn’t so much as break a sweat.

“And if I was to ask you what that letter’s contents were, would you be as forthcoming as you were when you confessed who wrote it?”

“You can ask but then you will force me to remind you of our earlier conversation. An honorable man does not lie, nor does he betray those who are near and dear to them,” he baits, and I can see it in his eyes he won’t tell me a goddamn thing, his loyalty bound to Atlas. “Is there anything more that you desire, my queen?” he adds smugly, knowing that I have lost this battle.

“No. I think I’ve heard all I need for one night. It’s been enlightening.”

“Glad to be of assistance,” he says before bowing his head. “Good night, Your Highness.”

I don’t even bother replying to his farewell, rushing into my tent just so I don’t have to look at his smug face for another minute.

Levi bested me tonight.

He pulled me in without me even realizing it, making me lose sight of this chess match we’re in. And while in a game of chess, the king might be the most important piece at play, but in terms of raw power, it’s the queen who rules the chessboard.

Before this journey is over and done with, I will make sure that Levi learns that lesson by heart.

Chapter 14


I’m not one bit surprised that Katrina has gone back to not speaking to me, the following day. Throughout our journey east, she doesn’t say a word, limiting our only contact to letting me aid her in getting off her horse, and nothing more.

I wish I could say her indifference to me didn’t sting.

I wish I could say a myriad of things to the contrary, that I prefer her silence to the sound of her voice.

I wish I could say that…

But then I would be a liar.

Last night, as we walked amongst the camp, her attentiveness to all that I had to say brought back memories of a young girl who thirsted for any knowledge or new experience I was able to share. For a fraction of a second, she was that same bright-eyed girl who hungered for my attention and approval. Who thought I hung the stars and moon only for her, and at the time, I would have if given the chance.

I forgot how addictive it was to have that type of power over someone.

To be able to wield it like the wind bends light, and either captivate your audience with its sparkling shine or trap them into its shadow.

Last night, she gift wrapped that power back to me, and let me believe…