It’s Cleo’s not-so-subtle clear of the throat that breaks the pair apart.

Inessa wipes at her tears, trying desperately to school her face to hold in her usual ice-cold, stone features.

“Take care of my friend. She has a tendency of getting herself in trouble, so she needs someone to look out for her.”

“She’s in good hands,” Teo proclaims at their side.

Inessa gives him a short bow as a sign of her respect, but then leans into Cleo’s ear while pretending to hug her too.

“If you hurt Anya in any way, I’ll move heaven and earth to find you. Is that understood?”

Cleo just grins widely at the threat as the two pull away from each other.

“If that ever happens, I won’t make it hard on you to find me.”

Inessa offers everyone a parting farewell and rushes to the carriage that will take us west.

“Well, I guess it’s my turn now.” I smile, opening my arms for Anya to fall into.

“Take care of Inessa, okay? She might look strong and mean but she has a fragile heart that bruises easily. She’s not like us, Kat. So please take care of her, okay?”

My heart softens at her words.

“I’m so going to miss you, sweet friend. You’re the best of both of us and we will feel your absence terribly,” I admit, getting choked up myself.

“I’ll be home soon. I promise.”

Even as she says it, I know how wrong that statement is.

Nas Laed is her home. This is where Anya belongs, not back up north in Tarnow.

But still, I put on a brave smile and hug her just as fiercely as Inessa did before me.

After we pull away from the hug, I turn my attention to the woman standing at her side, the woman that will in fact do everything in her power to make Anya happy.

“Are you about to threaten me too?” she jokes with a feline grin tugging at her lips.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. I know that you will do right by my Anya. I know that you’ll make her happy. That you have made her happy.”

Cleo turns to Anya, her black eyes sparkling with love for my friend.

“And as long as she will have me, I will continue to do so.”

“Then that’s all I need to hear.”

I pull Cleo into a hug too, but instead of the threat Inessa whispered in her ear, I give her my gratitude.

“Thank you for telling me the truth. I fear what would have happened if I had left Nas Laed not knowing the full story. And for that, I’ll always be in your debt.”

“You’re welcome, my queen,” she retorts sincerely, and offers me a bow like a true lady belonging to the southern court.

And then I turn to my Teo, who looks just as dashing as any king could possibly look.

“I don’t want to say goodbye,” I admit, when he takes my hands and kisses my knuckles.

“Neither do I,” he says, his voice sounding just as vulnerable as I feel.

Unable to control myself, I jump into his arms and hold on to him as if my life depends on it. He runs his fingers through my hair, kissing it any way he can.