I watched as both of them died, while Teo did nothing.

I watched men violate my mother’s dead corpse, and still he did nothing.

I watched his father plunge his sword through my father’s heart before decapitating him, and still Teo did nothing.

Just stood there and smiled at my ruin.

These trespasses against me, I will never forgive or forget.

But for you, I will show leniency.

For you, my dearest Kat, I will show mercy when none was offered to me.

For you, my love, I will ensure your happiness, even if it means that his is also guaranteed.

That is my new vow to you.

One that I will protect and keep and lock away in my lifeless heart.

For what is a heart if it no longer has a reason for beating?

Your loyal servant,

whose heart will forever be faithfully yours,

Levi of Thezmaer

King of the east

Chapter 45


Anya softly sobs beside me as I lay the letter to rest in front of me.

My watery-filled gaze blurs my vision as I reread each painful word over and over.

Again, and again until my heart can’t take it anymore.

I turn to Inessa for strength, whose own crestfallen expression eats away at my soul.

I’m so overwhelmed by everything Levi has written down that it takes me a minute to make sense of all of it.

Not only has Levi forgiven me for being with Teo, but he’s all but given us his blessing.

Blessing a union between the woman he loves and the monster that sat back and watched his parents being murdered.

All in the name of my happiness.

My feet move before I know it, jumping off the bed and wiping away the tears from my eyes.

“Inessa, I need a rider,” I order, searching my room for my jewelry box.

“What are you looking for?” she asks, confused.

“Don’t ask me that and find me a rider. Now, Inessa!” I beg, while still frantically searching the room.

Hearing the urgency in my voice, Inessa sprints out of the room.