I need to be sure that this is not just one of Teo’s games and that he’s speaking from the heart.

“Free women don’t need permission, Kat. From anyone,” he says softly, but then leans in until we are but a hair’s breadth away from each other, his expression deadly. “But choose me instead and that all changes when we start playing. Then you’ll have to beg for my consent to even breathe.”

My pussy clenches the emptiness inside it with just the way his voice dropped to a lethal octave. It’s only when Teo takes a step back that I pull in oxygen to my lungs.

I haven’t even accepted his offer and already my body is doing what he wants.

“I’m not having sex with you,” I blurt out nervously.

“That’s fine.” He smiles slyly.

“I’m serious. I’m not,” I say forcefully so he knows that I mean business.

“Like I said, whatever you want.”

I scrutinize his face to see if he’s lying or not, but with Teo, I never know.

“You can trust me,” he adds, and to this I laugh. “Fine, don’t trust me, but at least trust that I have enough experience to do this correctly and not hurt you. If you want, we can even have a safe word.”

“What’s a safe word?”

“It’s a word that you pick that means stop,” he explains, only adding to my confusion.

“That makes no sense. Why don’t I just yell stop if I want you to stop?”

“Because there will be moments when it gets so intense that you’ll yell out stop, but not really mean it.”

“I always say what I mean.”

“Trust me, kitten. Before the night is through, you’ll yell much more than just stop. Best have a safe word just in case. It should be something simple and yet something that you don’t use every day. Something you will remember easily, but not something that would come out in the throes of passion,”

“Fine. My safe word could be Tarnow. Does that work you?”

“As long as it works for you, then it’s fine by me. Tarnow it is.” He smiles like the cat who ate the canary.

Then it all hits me.

I didn’t exactly say yes to his offer, but somehow have conceded to it anyway.

But that’s not all that suddenly begins to weigh down on me. It’s the fact that I’m about to do this in front of a room filled with strangers.

Am I that brave?

It takes all but two seconds to know that I’m not, nor will I ever be.

Exhibitionism apparently is not something I’m into. But I guess this place was built for that very purpose. To know what turns you on and what does not. Which means there must be some private rooms for those who prefer a more private setting.

I’m about to ask Teo as much when he pulls at our joint hands and starts leading me out of the room of sin.

“Where are we going?” I question him breathlessly as he dashes through the room in the direction to its exit.

“Where we can have a little more privacy, kitten. That’s where.”

Unable to break free from his hold, I let Teo lead the way until we are once again on the balcony. At first I think he’s just going to find another door to open, but am surprised when we walk back down the staircase that leads to the courtyard. I try not to smile when I see a few familiar faces from upstairs, now drinking wine and talking animatedly with each other. I especially keep my grin in check when Teo bumps into one of the men that got off by acting like a dog who needed to be walked around on a leash.

To each their own, I guess.

After passing the courtyard and going back inside the house, Teo stops the same woman who opened the door for us earlier and whispers in her ear.