With my breath halted in my lungs, I watch how Levi leans closer to Teo, white-knuckling his reins.

“If you hurt even a hair on her head—”

“Spare me your threats, Levi. No harm will come to Katrina.”

“I would ask for your word, but I know how worthless it is.” Levi scowls.

“Oh, you and your word. Doesn’t it get boring being so self-righteous all the time, Levi? ‘Cause it sure bores the fuck out of me.”

Teo pretends to yawn before his smug smile, the same one I used to find so endearing, tugs at his lips again.

“Best we part ways here, before one of you says something he can’t take back,” I state, hoping the disdain in my voice is enough to cool these two down.

But just as I say it, Levi tightens his hold on me, as if unwilling to let me go. Teo sees it too, his eyes fixing on the way Levi’s palm is planted on my stomach.

“I agree, Your Majesty. Soon it will be noon and the southern sun is unforgiving at that time.”

I give him a curt nod and begin to shift on the saddle, but Levi refuses to let me budge. I turn to my side, my sorrow visiting me once more with the taint of misery in his eyes. Ignoring the king that awaits me, I press my palm to Levi’s chest and lean into his ear, opposite Teo.

“What is a heart…” I whisper, and instantly he covers my hand with his, and pulls it to his lips to offer it a parting kiss.

When I lean back in my seat, Levi gets down from his horse in order to help me do the same so that I can ride in my carriage to Braaka.

Teo, unfortunately, seems to have other ideas.

“None of that, kitten,” he tsks while shaking his finger at me, making my eyes go wide with hate. He then pats the empty space on his saddle behind him and grins. “You can sit right here. We’ll ride together and catch up. Won’t that be fun?”

I bite into my cheek, wishing I could tell him to screw himself with his offer. But since he saw me riding with Levi, it would be an insult to him and the south for me to decline. Levi helps me down with a thunderous expression on his beautiful face. I wait for him to put his hands on my waist, before I put my foot into the stirrup, needing any excuse to keep him close to me a little while longer. Teo must grow impatient, though, because he grabs my hand and basically swings me to sit behind him. With his hand still gripping mine, he wraps it around his waist, making sure Levi sees it.

“Hold tight, kitten. You know how fast I always like to ride,” he taunts. “Although if nice and slow is your thing, I might make an exception.” He then looks down at Levi with that same smug smile I’m itching to slap off his face. “Is that how she likes it, Levi? Nice and slow? Or is she able to take a good pounding? You have ridden her before, correct? Oops, I meant rode with her.”

My cheeks heat up at his audacious insinuation and provocation, and to my discontent, Levi takes the bait.

“When all this is done and over with, I vow that I will have your beating heart in my hands,” Levi promises.

“Funny.” Teo shrugs, unfazed. “I was under the assumption I already had yours in mine.”

And I don’t miss the glance Teo throws my way before he smiles maniacally at Levi.

“This has been fun, Levi, but I have a queen to entertain. And believe you me, by the time the south is done with her, she will be thoroughly satisfied with her time spent here.”

And before Levi can even utter a word or a curse, Teo kicks his heel, coaxing his horse to take off at lightning speed. I hold on to Teo with both hands, just so I’m able to look back at the man left in our dust.

Tears begin to streak down my cheeks as his frame gets farther and farther away from us, until my love completely disappears from my view.

“I love you,” I whisper, emboldened to say the words out loud now that he isn’t near to hear them.

If I kept them locked away in my hollow chest for another second, I was sure to not survive their weight.

The south may have my body now, but it will never have my heart.

For it lies dormant in the east, for its king to protect, until my return.

Chapter 29


The minute I step into my bedroom chambers, my cocky grin slips off my face as I slam the door behind me.