However, I prefer the truth than any fabricated lie I might be able to summon up.

Or at least a watered-down version of it.

I’ll tell both Teo and Atlas, that as it stands, my affections lie with the east and its king. It is up to them to show me that they are more worthy of a contender. At the end of the day, I’ll only propose marriage to the best man worthy of the title of King of Aikyam.

And there is no better man I know than Levi.

Feeling more confident in myself and this new plan, I straighten my back and let Levi’s scent envelop around me like a warm blanket for as long as I’m able to. Not that a blanket will do me any good in the south. I would have to cover up most of my skin or risk the blazing sun scorching it right through.

But I’d rather die of heat exhaustion than pull away from Levi’s strong frame.

Unfortunately, that small moment of comfort is stolen from me far too quickly than I would have liked. Our horse begins to slow his gallops as it draws closer to the king of the south.

My breath hitches as my eyes finally land on Teodoro after so many years.

To my chagrin, he’s still the most handsome man in all the kingdoms. With his brown wavy hair and light amber eyes, he was able to maintain that youthful mischievous quality he had as a boy. With his drawn Cupid’s bow lips and high cheekbones, he puts most high ladies to shame.

But there are some differences about him.

Differences he made sure to expose by using a white cut-sleeved shirt and unbuttoning it halfway to his waist. He flexes his hard-toned abs while flaunting his tanned muscular forearms by pulling the reins of his horse and strutting toward us.

Vanity had always been his preferred sin.

Mine was pride.

I school my expression to look like a blank canvas, completely devoid of emotion, as his horse stops right beside ours, so that we are facing each other.

“My queen. It has been far too long,” Teo says, bowing his head.

“Has it?” I ask coldly.

“Seven years by my count,” he retorts with a wink.

The gods.

I forgot how forward he was.

If he doesn’t behave, Levi will kill him here and now.

“I must admit, I don’t recall the last time we saw each other, King Teodoro. One might say you didn’t leave much of an impression if my memory is that hazy.”

Teo smiles widely as his tongue licks the tops of his teeth.

“So glad you still have your claws, kitten. It would have been a pity if you lost those.” He winks again, this time looking far too pleased with himself.

“This motherfucker,” Levi grumbles under his breath with an almighty snarl, ready to cause chaos.

“Oh, where are my manners?” Teo blurts out, slapping his thigh. “I totally forgot you brought a chaperone with you. Maybe my memory is foggy too.”

“Teodoro,” Levi greets, the name spilling out like a curse from his lips.

“Levi.” Teo smiles even wider.

They both stare at each other, neither one wishing to be the first to waver.

But alas, it’s Teo who breaks the staring match, cackling like a madman.

“Ah, Levi, nice to see that some things never change.”