“School’s out in a week. Maybe she’ll tag along to the beach,” I say, actually hoping she will.
Chapter Two
“Fucking A! We did it!” I take one huge leap down the stone stairs leading up to the school entrance, landing on the pavement with a loud thud, the impact shooting up through my body. Years of Jiu-Jitsu have given me some badass control over my moves. It’s the growth spurt that has fucked me up lately. “One hundred mother fucking years down, one more to go. But first, good people, time to enjoy the last ever summer break.”
“Imma work all summer. I’d prefer school,” Cole mutters.
Penelope takes the steps two at a time and joins us, a big shit-eating grin on her face as she throws one arm around Cole and one around me.
“No one prefers school, moron. You work for your old man. How hard can it be?”
Well, hello, sparks of lightning bolts, how I missed you.
“He’s fuckin’ wearing me out, he—”
“So what do you guys wanna do?” Pen interrupts Cole and smacks her lips impatiently. “Wanna hang? Go swim? I heard of this beach down at—”
“Fucking beach? You? With the tourists and all?” Liam has joined us on the other side of Cole. No Lexi by his side for once.
“Who’d ya take me for? No! No tourists. This is like no man’s land. Uncharted.”
“Hey, dude, where’s your girl?” I ask Liam.
“She’s with Mr. Ocho, discussing summer school. She missed a bunch when she was ill. She’ll catch up with us later.”
“That flu really kicked her ass.” Penelope skips between us as if she’s ten, not seventeen.
Liam makes a face.
“So, it’s someone’s beach?” I’m not surprised. It’d be so her to invade private property.
Her look of mischief as she glances coyly at me makes my balls ache.
“Okay, I’m up for it.”
“Can I come?” Savannah Wilder shows up out of nowhere, sprinting up to us. “Pleeeeaaase.”
We’re on our way at a good pace to our local hangout, a cafe where they’re cool about us sitting for hours, nurturing our first cup of coffee, tea, or milkshake, whatever’s everyone’s preference.
“Hey, young copy of me, they let you out, too? Did you ask the parents?”
“Don’t make me, Pen. They’ll say no, and you know it. I’ll be fifteen in two weeks, and anyway, they’re at work. Let me?”
“Don’t you have your own little friends, Savannah?” Cole ruffles her blonde pixie do, and she jerks her head away with an adorable scowl.
“Let her come,” I say. “She wants to hang with her sis. It’s sweet.”
Penelope turns to me, an identical scowl on her face. “Who’re you calling sweet?”
“I said it’s sweet. Comprehension is key, girl.”
Liam looks between us. “What are you two on about? Fuck, you’d think you’re married.”
“We’re not—” Pen says, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks.