In the instant the Chasm calmed, Niklas demanded the wards be placed. Fiery streaks shot across the surface of the sea, colliding with the dark barrier. A wall of thrashing water burst toward the sky all along the edges of the kingdom, even curving out of sight on the far reaches. Every border would be shielded against sea fae.

It would take a fierce act of fate to break the guards against the Ever Kingdom.

* * *

For another month we remained at the fortress at Raven Row. Soon, battle fatigue shifted to games—archery, axe throwing, feasts.

Until the next full moon rose, white and bright, and it was arranged for every royal to return to their new realm. Their new pieces of the kingdoms. Where we’d rule together, thieves, mortals, fae, and fate workers who never wanted to need their damn seidr again.

The distance between realms and royal houses no longer took weeks or crossing seas. Three days, four at most, to reach any realm in the kingdom. We’d be seeing a great deal of the littles through the turns. I’d be seeing a great deal of all my royals until my last breath, and the thought of it added a bit of warmth to my chest.

“Ready, Little Rose?” Silas draped a satchel strap over his shoulder and held out a hand.

I took in the music room. The tagelharpa, the lyres, all of them had been packed away and would ride with us to our new palace. Still, there was an ache about leaving Raven Row.

True, the fort would remain. Rave would always be here, watching the shores that remained nearest to the Chasm of Seas. Even with the wards in place, there was always a lingering threat beneath the waves.

Gorm was the resounding voice here, a trusted Captain of the Rave. Raum, Tova, Bard, even Malin’s thieving friend and his family would live in the Row. A few Ettans would take the rooms in the fortress, some of Halvar’s brothers and their families. Bo insisted he could not stomach leaving the place where Rune had died and would be one on watch of the waves.

A piece of every realm would be here to trade, to exist, to stand united in the same land, as one people.

I gave Silas a small grin and took his hand. “I’m ready.”

Rave dipped their chins as we strode through the corridors of Hus Rose. It would be built into the fortress eventually. A space large enough we could all gather, not only the royal houses, but folk of the courts and their families.

Once a turn, it was already decided, we would gather again. We’d keep our kingdom safe through royal councils; we’d celebrate peace.

Outside, Silas and I faced Hus Rose as the gates closed against us.

“Ready, My Queen and King?” Cuyler winked from the head charge that would lead a coach to the center knolls.

“What have I said about titles, Cuyler? If you’re our First Knight, I refuse to hear it every damn day.”

“I know,” Cuyler said, adjusting the strap hiding the scar and missing eye. “Which is why I plan to toss them around most liberally to irritate you.”

“We ought to leave him here,” I murmured and made my way for the coach.

Silas chuckled and followed me inside. Doors closed, shades drawn, I was in his lap, arms around his neck.

I kissed Silas, hard and greedy. He clung to my waist, holding me tightly.

When I pulled back, I pressed my forehead against his, stroking my fingertips down the scar on his face. “Thank you for never giving up on me, Whisper.”

He kissed my throat, burying his face against my skin. “You’re my peace, Little Rose. You’re the one who chases away the darkness. Say the word and I’d follow you anywhere.”

I kissed his lips softly. “Tell me now is when we finally get to share each day, tell me now is when we share one lifetime together.”

Silas’s brow furrowed. He brushed a hand over my cheek, swiping stray hair off my brow. “I swear it, Little Rose. Each morning, each night, every beat of my heart is yours. To the Otherworld.”

“To the Otherworld, Whisper.”

He’d been mine since my first breaths, and he would be mine beyond my last.



“I hopeshe is free of the Mare demons tonight,” I said, waving as Sol, Tor, and Alek rode away on their horses. Livia rode beside them, laughing with her cousin as they tried to out-trot the other.